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But I've took to bankin' personally in my stockin'," she confided without the slightest trace of embarrassment. "But say, we've got an awful pile this month," observed Nick, anxiously, leaving the fireplace and joining the little ring of men about her. "It makes me sort o' nervous why, Sonora's got ten thousand alone fer safe keepin' in that keg an' "

Then he relapsed into his lazy drawl again: "No, siree, hoss! If it's doin's you're after, don't you be slow in bankin' your little heap on HIS doin's." Donald Ross grasped Yankee's hand and shook it hard. "I will be thanking you for that word," he said, earnestly. But Peter felt that the cause of truth demanded that he should speak out. "Mr.

Galusha plunged headlong, foundered, and then emerged, like a dog, with an explanation, such as it was, between his teeth. "They ah they thought the money would be safer," he said. Martha laughed aloud. "Safer?" she repeated. "Why, that's funny. Perhaps they're right, but I know the only way I shall feel safe between now and bankin' time tomorrow is to stay awake and watch every minute.

"Much obliged for your advice about the thoroughbred," said Andover as he stepped close to Pete. "Is that the pony you used to ride?" "He sure is. Say, Doc, I got the money to pay for him, but would you mind writin' out a check. I ain't wise to this bankin' business yet." "Why no. I'll do that. I er of course I'm a little short myself. New car and this horse for my daughter.

I don't quite savvy it yet, but it's your affair, not mine. You're dealin' and bankin' the chips. And before now I've seen lots of well-meanin' bystanders get all mussed up from trying to horn into another man's pastime. At my age I'd ought to have knowed better!"

As I've often told you, one scrap of evidence is worth considering. A second, against the same man is important and a third, is decidedly valuable." "Yessir, that's what I'm bankin' on. You see, Mr. Patterson, now he's over head and ears in debt to Embury. He was against Embury for club president. He was present at the henbane discussion. And he's an habitual buyer of raspberry jam."

"I don't know what they are," said Phil, innocently. "You're a green one," said Dick. "I shall have to take you into my bankin' house and give you some training in business." "Have you got a bankin' house?" asked Phil, in surprise. "In course I have. Don't you see it?" pointing to an imposing-looking structure in front of which they were just passing.

That night, upon leaving, she asked for a small advance on her week's wage, retreating before the furiously stained apron-front and the one eye of the proprietor cast down upon her. "Lay off! Lay off! Who done your bankin' last year? To-morrow's your day, less four bits for breakage. Speakin' o' breakage, if you drop your jacket, it'll bust. Watch out! That pint won't last you overnight. Layoff!"

No Ruddy, Friday. Saturday I see the weather was bankin' up black for snow, so I says: 'Jenny, it's credit or bust. I'll step up to the store and talk to Hans. So Jenny puts me up a snack of lunch, and I goes to see Hans. Hans," said Lou Garou, addressing that juror directly, "did I or didn't I come to see you that Saturday?" Hans nodded.

"I'm no 'sharp' but it looks to me like some of that wheat would straighten up if it got a good wettin'." Wallie said grimly: "The only thing I forgot to buy when I was outfitting in Philadelphia was a rain-making apparatus." "On the level," Pinkey declared, earnestly, "I bleeve we're goin' to have a shower the clouds bankin' up over there in the northwest is what made me think of it."