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"That settles it; my new gun is gone. Oh! it makes me so mad just to think one of that crowd may be handling it," cried Bluff, shaking his fist. "I just fancy I can hear the squirrels laughing, and the little chippies singing for joy," declared Jerry. "Now they'll have a chance to live. What's hard on you, Bluff, is just happiness to them."

Then he bowed to her with his hat in his hand, hurrying away before she could answer him a word. He found Geary alone in their room, cribbing "'Horace" again. "Ah, you bet," Geary said. "I shook those chippies. I sized them up right away. I was clever enough for that. They were no good. I thought you would get enough of it."

Frank Stockton, as every one knows, but I applied it to my fellow-student because of her conduct in the case of the wrens; and a day or two later she proved her right to it by her treatment of a chipping-sparrow family near the house. She took hold of the tip end of a branch and drew it down to look at the nest full of young chippies.

"Yes," said Susie; "and the other reason he gave for liking them best was, that they got up early and rang the rising-bell for all the other birds. That was such a funny reason for papa to give, for we all know he dearly loves his morning nap." "Really, now, do the chippies get up first in the morning?" said Florence. "With the first peep of day," Miss Ruth answered.

He stopped before them, eyed them by the light of the big electric lamp, grinned good-naturedly. "What've we got here?" said he. "This looks better." The woman rushed toward the girls, pouring out a stream of vileness. "You git out of here!" she shrilled. "You chippies git off my beat. I'll have you pinched I will!" "Shut up!" cried the drunken man, lifting his fist. "I'll have you pinched.

All these things formed only a setting or background for the wild life near by. The birds are the little people that peep out at me, or pause and regard me curiously in this great temple of trees, wrens, chippies, robins, bluebirds, catbirds, redstarts, and now and then rarer visitants.

Blackbirds and cuckoos flew over; orioles, both orchard and Baltimore, sang and foraged among the trees; song-sparrows and chippies trilled from the fence at one side: bluebird and thrasher searched the ground, and paid in music for the privilege; pewees and kingbirds made war upon insects; and from afar came the notes of redwing and meadow-lark.

I ain't going to have my place get a bad name by having any South of Market Street chippies hanging around. You get along, or I'll call an officer." Minna sought the street, her head in a whirl. It was about five o'clock. In her pocket was thirty-five cents, all she had in the world. What now?

Besides, we're not going to be out after dark, are we? You're just going straight over to St. Pierre and back?" "That's all," said the Captain. "Just to mail this letter and buy some alcohol for Uncle Teddy and some peanuts for the chippies. Hadn't ought to take more than an hour and a half altogether." He started the engine and off they chugged. They reached St.

But I guess it misunderstood and thought I meant to bite, for it flew off a little way and I saw three speckled blue eggs and then I thought I'd better come away." "Did you hear it sing?" asked Nat. "No it only said 'chip chippy chip." "Chippies have two songs," said the Doctor.