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You won't go wrong if you bring me in, even at fifty-fifty, because maybe I know things about old Huang that you don't know." The Jew's expression changed subtly, and beneath his drooping lids he glanced aside at the speaker. Then: "It's no promise," he said, "but what do you know?" Poland bent farther over the table. "Chinatown's being watched again.

According to the purists here youth of both sexes was debauched, losing both money and souls. To speak of seeing Barbary Coast brought furtive looks and lowered voices, as if contamination even from the thought were possible. No slumming party was completed without a visit to the "Coast," after Chinatown's manufactured horrors had been shuddered at.

This may be taken as a sample of what to expect when visiting Chinatown's restaurants, and while we confess to having some excellent dishes served us in Chinatown, our preference lies in other paths of endeavor.

Through two of Chinatown's most desolate old tenements, upstairs and downstairs in dark closets and unexpected corners, while Highbinders uttered imprecations in the alleys below, the rescue party kept up a diligent search for many hours.

Down the steep slope of Washington street he went past moss-grown retaining walls; over slippery brick pavements, through which the grass-blades sprouted, to plunge at length into the eddying alien mass of Chinatown's main artery, Dupont street. Here rushing human counter-currents ebbed and flowed ceaslessly. Burdens of all sizes and of infinite variety swept by on swaying shoulder yokes.

This great treasure-house of old Huang Chow was one of Chinatown's secrets a secret shared only by those whose commercial interests were identical with the interests of Huang Chow. The place was artificially lighted by lamps which themselves were beautiful objects of art, and which swung from the massive beams of the ceiling.

Only a cavern remains, pitted with deep holes and lined with dark passageways, from whose depths come smoke wreaths. White men never knew the depth of Chinatown's underground city. Many had gone beneath the street level two and three stories, but now that the place had been unmasked, men may see where its inner secrets lay. In places one can see passages a hundred feet deep.