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This porphyritic formation further resembles in a singularly close manner the lowest stratified formation of the Cordillera of Chile, which, as we shall hereafter see, has a vast range, and attains a great thickness. At the bottom of the Gulf of St. George, only tertiary deposits appear to be present.

"Don't you stay, Sukey," said Janice, "if you are needed in the kitchen. His Excellency " "Dat I ain't, chile. Gin'l Washington he trabell wid his own cook, an' Peg an' I 'se only helpin' Mr. Lee set de table and carry de dishes. Now I help ma honey." "Oh, Sukey," carolled Janice, "it is so good to be home again!" "Guess Missus Sukey tink dat too," said William, halting in his labours.

It was raised by the more advanced tribes from the extreme north, where its profitable culture invited, to the extreme south, from about the northern line of Wisconsin in North America to the latitude of southern Chile in South extending, therefore, over some seven to eight thousand miles of linear distance. Rice was of the very earliest of our cereals, in the extreme east of the old world.

"I keep a-telling you as my family name aint Gorilla, it's Mortimer; dough Gorilla is a perty name, too; it ralely is, on'y you see, chile, it aint mine," said unconscious Katie. But the darkening night shut out from their view the awful cliff to which, however, they were every moment approaching nearer.

"Reckon it is," was the capable answer. "Won't you give everybody some, Maria?" For Jem had gone up stairs with a tray of glasses, and Maria seemed to be resting upon her labours. "Dere'll come down orders for mo', chile; and 'spose I gives it to de company, what'll Mis' Lisa do wid Maria? I have de 'sponsibility of Christmas." "But you can make some more," I said, holding my glass in waiting.

The gypseous formation, like that of the porphyritic breccia- conglomerate on which it rests, is of inconsiderable breadth; though of greater breadth in Northern than in Central Chile.

"An' bless de Lord, is it Miss Lizzie?" said the good-natured woman, as the sound of Lizzie Heartwell's voice fell upon her ear in the kindly spoken salutation. "An' w'at will you have to-day, chile?" "Some bananas, Maum Cinda two for me, and two for my friend here, Miss Bertha Levy."

Some regulations forbade Chile and Peru to send their wines and other products to the colonists of the North. The planting of vineyards and olive trees was forbidden. The establishment of industry, the opening of roads and improvements of any kind were very often stopped by the Government. Charles IV remarked that he did not consider learning advisable for America.

Remember that for several weeks the German fleet has managed to lose itself in the Pacific, but now that the British fleet has stumbled onto it and forced an engagement, the Australian and Japanese cruisers will all be headed for the south coast of Chile to make reprisal.

From our diplomatic agents in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Central America, Venezuela, and New Granada constant assurances are received of the continued good understanding with the Governments to which they are severally accredited.