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It could not save their personalities from suffering; but it gave the Soul in each of them a basis on which to build the grand steadfast creations. All of which Chinese Liehtse tells you without comment, and with an air of being too childish-foolish for this world, in the following story: Kung-hu and Chi-ying fell ill, and sought the services of the renowned doctor, Pien-chiao.

The Chinaman presents his illumination as if it were nothing at all, just the simplest childish-foolish thing; nothing in the world for the brain-mind to get excited about. You take very little notice at the time: more of their quaint punchinello chinoiserie, you say. Three weeks after, you find that it was a clear voice from the supermundane, a high revelation.

This precious scheme belongs to the same category of absurdities as the placing Oliver Cromwell's skull on Temple Bar, and throwing Robert Blake's body on a dung-hill by Charles Stuart and his friends. It was not such a mean and cowardly performance as that of the heroes of the Restoration, but it was far more "childish-foolish."

The Huwaytat, for example, know their way to Suez and to Cairo; they have seen civilization; they have learned, after a fashion, the outlandish ways of the Frank, the Fellah, and the Turk-fellow. The Baliyy have to be taught all these rudiments. Cunning, tricky, and "dodgy," as is all the Wild-Man-race, they lie like the "childish-foolish," deceiving nobody but themselves.