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Yes, yes, Ma'am thirty months ago, on her marriage with my father, she was, as I was saying, a great beauty; but catching cold, the year afterwards, in child-bed of your humble servant "Duenna. Of you, Sir! and married within these thirty months! "Isaac. Oh the devil! he has made himself out but a year old! Come, Moses, hold your tongue.

A woman in child-bed is not a sick woman, and no woman ever died of giving birth to a child except some other disease intervened." "Yes, my dear philosopher, it is like a duel; there are two men in perfect health, when all of a sudden there comes a sword-thrust, and one of them is dead." "That's a witty idea.

And the condition disclosed by examination of his body after death was identical with that found in cases of child-bed fever. Here then was the clew; the disease was contagious. Semmelweiss was ignorant of Holmes' views; what had happened before his eyes suggested to him that the disease was due to a poison which could be conveyed from one person to another.

One day Prince Pico della Mirandola met Pope Alexander VI. at the house of the courtesan Emilia, while Lucretia, the holy father's daughter, was in child-bed, and one did not know in Rome if the child was the Pope's, or his son's the Duke of Valentinois, or Lucretia's husband's, Alphonse of Aragon, who passed for impotent. The conversation was at first very sprightly.

When they opened the door a woman who lay there in child-bed raised herself up on the iron bedstead and gazed at them in alarm. She was thin and anemic. When she perceived the condition of her husband she burst into a heartrending fit of crying. "He's sober," said Pelle, in order to console her; "he has only got a bit damaged."

"I am like thee, O, Night, silent and deep; and in the heart of my loneliness lies a Goddess in child-bed; and in him who is being born Heaven touches Hell." "Nay, thou art not like me, O, Madman, for thou shudderest yet before pain, and the song of the abyss terrifies thee."

From the time of your birth, and indeed earlier, ever since my marriage, I have found it a hard task to support a wife, and, by degrees, a family of seven children, two relatives by marriage, and the mother, on a certain income of twenty-five florins a month, out of this to pay for maintenance and the expenses of child-bed, deaths, and sicknesses; which expenses, when you reflect upon them, will convince you that I not only never devoted a kreutzer to my own private pleasure, but that I could never, in spite of all my contrivances and care, have managed to live free from debt without the especial favour of God; and yet I never was in debt till now.

O thrice happy new Father that have gotten such a prudent diligent and carefull Nurse for your Child-bed wife! what great Pleasure is this!

These Franks are strange people," observed the pacha to the vizier; "they've a tear for every woman." "Your highness must excuse me; I shall not offend again, for I never married afterwards. My charming Naka-poop died in child-bed, and the island became so hateful to me, that I determined to quit it. An opportunity occurred by an American vessel, which arrived with some missionaries."

These women, as well as those attended by midwives, all did well; nor did we hear of any deaths in child-bed within a radius of fifty miles, excepting two, and these I afterwards ascertained to have been caused by other diseases." He underwent, as he thought, a thorough purification, and still his next patient was attacked with the disease and died.