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Every one looked very sportsmanlike. M. Davilliers gave me his arm for dejeuner. He told me a great deal which I did not want to know about hunting-dogs. For instance, "Les chiens anglais," he said, "etaient tres raillants, tres percants, mais hesitants dans les fourres." So much Greek to me, but I pretended to understand.

The authorities at Prairie des Chiens, made a demand of the murderers, that they might be tried and punished under the laws of the United States, according to the treaty of 1825. Black Hawk, with other chiefs, took the ground that the United States had no right to make this demand, and refused to give them up. Here then was another source of difficulty.

As an evidence of this, a short time afterwards, he sent a detachment of one hundred and fifty men, as far up the country as Prairie des Chiens, and from thence across Rock and Illinois rivers and down to Kaskaskia, meeting with no molestation from the Indians, who were struck with terror at the boldness of the enterprise, saying that if so few dared to come, they "would fight like devils."

'Les liévres? mais certainement, nous avons des liévres. Nous irons dans la forêt, je prendrai mes chiens, et je vous montrerai de belles lièvres. J'en ai trois Josephine, Alphonse, et le vieux Adolphe. Pour le moment Josephine est sacrée elle est mère. Le petit Alphonse s'est marié avec elle, comme ça il est un peu père de famille; nous l'épargnerons, n'est-ce-pas, monsieur? Mais le vieux Adolphe, nous le tuerons; c'est déj

The battle lasted about three hours. In the afternoon, of the same day, Generals Atkinson, Dodge and Posey, descended the Mississippi, to Prairie des Chiens, in the Warrior, and there awaited the arrival of the mounted volunteers, who reached that place on the fourth. Among the Indians who escaped the slaughter was Black Hawk.

And that was how the tobacco famine ended, and how the white men got their team. "Plus je connais les hommes, plus j'aime les chiens." It doesn't look hard to drive a dog-team, but just you try it.

De grand Monarque only tink of de soldier `commes des chiens', like de poor dam dog for fight for him." Thus ended the dialogue between colonel Laurens and the count D'Estang.

Their savage foes, balked of a living prey, wreaked their fury on the dead. They dug up the graves; they threw down the scaffolds. Ils en brulerent la plus grande partie, ils en mangerent meme quelques uns, et jetterent le reste aux chiens. Ils planterent les tetes de ces cadavres a demi decharnes sur des pieux," etc.

It was pretty to see the people arriving from all sides, in every description of vehicle breaks, dog-carts, victorias, farmer's gigs grooms with led horses, hunting men in green or red coats, making warm bits of colour in the rather severe landscape. The pack of hounds, white with brown spots, big, powerful animals, gave the valets de chiens plenty to do.

The following a specimen, given literatim: "L'aumônier fit l'exhortation, Puis il donnit l'absolution; Aisément cela se peut croire. Enfants, dit-il, animez-vous! L'bon Dieu, sa mère, tout est pour vous. S é! j'sommes catholiques. Les Anglois sont des hérétiques. "Ce sont des chiens;