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Sur ton chemin l'etoile qui se leve Longtemps encore eblouira les yeux!" A fortnight passed. The first excursion in the Eulalie had been followed by others of a similar kind, and Errington's acquaintance with the Gueldmars was fast ripening into a pleasant intimacy.

She knew that Fay cared but little for her in reality. But she also knew that she did care a little. Fay had turned to her many times, and had repulsed and forgotten her not a few times. Magdalen had a good memory. "When she really wants me she will turn to me again," she said tranquilly to herself. Toute passion a son chemin de croix. And Michael? What of him during these two endless years?

The Rhone has been called 'un chemin qui marche trop vite'; the rapidity of its currents and the difficulties of navigation up-stream are obstructions to traffic. But before the great line of railway was laid down between Paris and Marseilles, it was nevertheless very important.

"Of course. Good night, Von Holzen." And Percy Roden passed through the gateway, walking slowly across the dunes towards his own house; while Von Holzen watched him from the window of the little three-roomed cottage. "Le plus sur moyen d'arriver a son but c'est de ne pas faire de rencontres en chemin." "Yes, it was long ago 'lang, lang izt's her' you remember the song Frau Neumayer always sang.

"That is my horizon," she said gravely. She picked up one of several books which lay scattered about her on the lion's skin. "The time table of the Chemin de Fer de l'Ouest," she said. "Admirable reading for one who never budges! Here it is half-past five in the afternoon. A train, a local, arrived three minutes ago at Surgères in the Charente-Inférieure. It will start on in six minutes.

Over a distance of eight miles, moreover, there extends or extended at the time I refer to a track called the Chemin des Boeufs, suitable for defensive purposes, with high ground at at least two points Le Tertre Rouge, south-east of Le Mans, and La Tuilerie, south of the town.

A small force under General de Roquebrune was gallantly striving to check the Germans at one part of the Chemin des Boeufs, in order to cover the retreat. A cordon of gendarmes had been drawn up at the railway-station to prevent it from being invaded by all the runaways.

There arose again, after the fashion of the voyageurs, the measure of the paddling song, without which indeed the paddler had not been able to perform his labor at the thwart. "Dans mon chemin j'ai rencontré " chanted the leader; and voices behind him responded lustily with the next line: "Trois cavaliers bien montés " "Trois cavaliers bien montés " chanted the leader again.

Nevertheless, it was in a dangerous position, having both of its flanks exposed to attack, one from Yvre and Auvours, and the other from Pontlieue and the Chemin des Boeufs, which last line was held by the 16th French Corps.

Il est temps de nous mettre en chemin pour Lugo et Galice." Before proceeding, however, to narrate what befell us in this journey to Lugo and Galicia, it will perhaps not be amiss to say a few words concerning Astorga and its vicinity. It is a walled town, containing about five or six thousand inhabitants, with a cathedral and college, which last is, however, at present deserted.