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The Preacher was at home on the outskirts, a little man, round and rosy, with black eyes and a cheery voice. He was attired entirely in blanket-cloth, baggy trousers and a long blouse, so that he looked not unlike a Turkish Santa Claus, Oriental as to under, and arctic as to upper rigging. 'Are you a clergyman? said Waring, inspecting him with curious eyes.

Yes, by Jove, it was worth it all to be able to give a man like Stephen Wickes to his country. For Stephen Wickes was a fine stalwart lad, a good soldier, steady as a rock, with a patient, cheery courage that nothing could daunt or break. But for a man's self was it worth while? Jack had no thought of wife and family. There was Adrien.

I think it's what-for and because that make it so much better. Somebody came here to do something; and the rest was, and happened, and grew. I can't bear things fixed up to be exquisite!" "That is the real doctrine of the kingdom of heaven," said a sweet, cheery voice behind them. They all turned round; Miss Euphrasia Kirkbright stood upon the door-stone. "Being and doing.

His large, bright, hazel eye, pure red and white complexion just touched by the sun, with a world of black curling hair swept carelessly back from, an open white brow, with well-formed mouth and chin, and his frank, dashing, manly way, cheery voice, and gay manner, made him a universal favorite; and, farmer and carpenter though he was, he was welcomed as an equal by the best people in the community.

Arrived there, I lay out on a bench in a collapsed state, and I remember a cheery doctor injecting something into my wrist. I then lay on a stretcher awaiting further transportation. My good servant Smith somehow discovered my whereabouts, and turned up at this hospital. He sat beside me and gave me a writing-pad to scribble a note on.

As for the wildcats," he continued, smiling, "I have my rifle. Besides the government offers a small bounty for every wildcat." "Oh, yes, I see. You combine business with pleasure and have your wildcat bounty to pay expenses as you go along or else keep it for pin-money," and Growler laughed good-humoredly at his own fun. "You're the parson from St. Thomas, I judge," said Cheery.

Sometimes he would weave a scaling ladder of the trailing creepers; at others he would lend a helping hand; at others again he would gather up their armour and send them on before him, then step rapidly aside and pass with his burden up and down their struggling line. His cheery boldness kept them to their painful task until every man had reached the level of the fort.

Then how the waves sparkled! how cheery the movement was! how delicious the summer air over the water! although, the sun was throwing down his beams with great power already and the, day promised to be sultrily hot. "It is going to be intense," said Mrs. Randolph. "Melting!" said Mrs. Gary. "You will have enough of it before the end of the day " remarked Mr. Sandford. Mr.

Quite often she was lonely, and longed for their cheery chatter, but sternly reminded herself that she was being sacrificed in a good cause. She built many an air castle for them as well as for herself, furnishing both, impartially, with Elaine's old mahogany and the simple furniture Dick was making out of Uncle Ebeneezer's relics.

"I honestly hope you'll come to-night, Tip, for you're a good fellow to play games with, and the boys would all like to have you." Tip had quarrelled with his ill-humour, and it had vanished. "I'll come," he said, in a cheery tone; "only I'll look like a big rag-bag by the side of you fellows." "Never mind," said Howard, turning to join the boys, "you come."