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After waiting off the port till the 24th without mentioning his intentions, he addressed his crew, reminding them of many enterprises they had undertaken, and pointing out to them that unless they should at once attempt the capture of the frigate, some more fortunate vessel would carry off the prize. Three hearty cheers showed him that he might depend on his crew.

Three hundred cannon of the first class on either side of the river were roaring and crashing, and the moment the Southern troops emerged for the charge all would be sure to pour upon them a fire that no troops could withstand. General Lee presently appeared riding along the line. The cheers which always rose where he came rolled far, and he was compelled to lift his hat more than once.

Out trotted the Yale team and substitutes, of whom Andy was one. Instantly the blue of the sky seemed to multiply itself as a roar shook the sloping seats the seats that ran down to the edge of green field, marked off in lines of white. "Come on now, lively!" yelled the coaches, hardly making their voices heard above the frantic cheers.

'And even the woman of what are called the upper classes even she must wince at the times when men throw off the mask and let her see how in their hearts they despise her. A few weeks ago Mr. Lothian Scott 'Boo! Boo! 'Hooray! ''ray for Lothian Scott! In the midst of isolated cheers and a volume of booing, she went on

And leading away his mother-in-law and his wife, he left the ballroom followed by cheers. Outside they all three walked in silence. The night air was delightful after coming out of that furnace. The cheering had ceased, and the orchestra was playing a polka. Micheline had taken her husband's arm. They went along slowly, and close together.

A line of day-boys, who had linked arms as, homeward bound, they left the field, droned merrily: "Now the day is over, Night is drawing nigh, Shadows of the evening Steal across the sky." And among the dissolving cheers from the distance could occasionally be heard the refrain of "Hoo-Ray, hoo-Ray, hoo-blooming-Ray!"

I am a man of peace, I am the enemy of war it is my faith and creed; yet I repudiate the principle put forward by the Earl of Eglington, that you shall not clinch your hand for the cause which is your heart's cause, because, if you smite, the smiting must be paid for." He was interrupted by cheers and laughter, for the late event in his own life came to them to point his argument.

Not ten feet from where he stood, the ground tossed in torture. A man screamed terribly. The first blow had been struck. Hilary burned with a cold consuming anger. "Up, men, and fire. Aim forward about three feet back of the prow." That was where the pilot would be. A scattered burst of cheers answered him. On all sides, like crystal ghosts, the Earthmen rose to their feet. They were fighting men.

Pearce poured in another broadside, and down it came, the cheers of the British crew giving notice of what had occurred to their wounded shipmates below. The prize, which proved to be the "Desiree," had lost a considerable number of her crew, most of them killed during the latter part of the action.

"Quite sure." "Then you're on," she told him with a little nod. "Thank you, kind sir." Bromfield drew a deep breath. "By Jove, you're a good little sport, Bee. I think I'll get up and give three ringing cheers." "I'd like to see you do that," she mocked. "Of course you know I'm the happiest man in the world," he said with well-ordered composure.