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Milburgh is not fool enough to imagine that he won't be found out once the accountants get busy, and his cheeriness in face of exposure is to say the least disconcerting." Their little conference was being held in a prosaic public tea-room opposite the House of Commons a tea-room the walls of which, had they ears, could have told not a few of Scotland Yard's most precious secrets.

But that watchfulness was unnecessary, for the many high windows made the fastening of flags an easy matter, as we draped them from the casing of one window to the casing of the next, which covered much of the cold, white walls and gave an air of warmth and cheeriness to the rooms.

From the street outside came the sound of some one making a cheery, but evidently a somewhat inebriated, attempt to whistle some ragtime air. It seemed to enhance her misery, to enhance by contrast in its care-free cheeriness the despair and misery that were eating into her soul. Her hands clenched and unclenched. If there were only a chance somewhere somehow! If only she were not a woman!

He ranged himself behind us, and straightway that stately snow-white young fellow closed up to the sidewalk alongside him, fetched him a cordial slap on the shoulder with his broad palm, and sung out with a hearty cheeriness: "AMERICANS for two-and-a-half and the money up! The Reverend winced, but said mildly: "Yes we are Americans." "Lord love you, you can just bet that's what I am, every time!

He had come suddenly out of the bitter frost into the little, brightly-lighted, stove-warmed room. In another few moments, however, the comfort and cheeriness of it appealed to him. "This looks very cosy after my desolate room at the Range," he said. "Then if you'll stay I'll make you supper. I suppose there's nothing to take you home?"

Among the married women all the characteristic peculiarities of the English wife are conspicuously wanting. I must confess that all the boys and girls brought before me from the Manchester mills had a depressed appearance, and were very pale. In the expression of their faces lay nothing of the usual mobility, liveliness, and cheeriness of youth.

They can't get along without your first patent. Here's the telegram." He spoke with an encouraging cheeriness in his voice, as one would in helping a child across a dangerous place. The brow of the dying man suddenly cleared; the eyes burned with their old steadiness, then the lips parted. "Read it," he muttered. The words were barely audible.

She brought a letter on a salver, and was taking it to her master, when Beth said authoritatively, "That letter is for me, Minna; bring it here." The girl obeyed. Dan put down the knife and the pear. "What's yours is mine, I thought," he observed, with a sorry affectation of cheeriness. "Not on this occasion," Beth answered quietly, taking up the letter and opening it as she spoke.

I hastened up to help him extricate the animal; and before we had succeeded in setting the horse on his four feet again, the driver's cheeriness under difficulties had made me feel quite friendly towards him. "Satan is evidently bent upon disturbing my Passover," Said he, "for this is the second time that I have tried to get my Passover flour home.

The old apple-dealer never speaks an unnecessary word not that he is sullen and morose; but there is none of the cheeriness and briskness in him that stirs up people to talk. Not seldom he is greeted by some old neighbor, a man well to do in the world, who makes a civil, patronizing observation about the weather; and then, by way of performing a charitable deed, begins to chaffer for an apple.