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"Smooth lawns, fine trees, rooms that countesses might live in. I can't see any trace of them here." "There is no harm in a bit of grass and a few trees, and the rooms are cheaper in their long continuance than any flimsy new rubbish that could be built." "I know I am making an unfortunate quotation," said Northcote; "but there is reason in it. It might be sold for so much, and given to the poor."

And who can love the charming hero at a cheaper rate than being undone?

On the last day of the year a splendid fleet of transports arrived in the town, laden with whole droves of beeves and flocks of sheep, besides wine and bread and beer enough to supply a considerable city; so that market provisions in the beleaguered town were cheaper than in any part of Europe.

"Did it really?" said Patty, with such a look of amazement, almost horror, that they all laughed. You see, Patty had never been used to such expensive rugs, still less had she been accustomed to hearing the prices of things mentioned so freely. "Oh, Aunt Isabel, I'd rather not have it then. Really, I'd much rather have a cheaper one. Suppose I should spoil it in some way."

"Looking at it from the financial side, it would be cheaper for them to close up their churches. It is a mere waste of time and money, because the influence on their less fortunate brethren in a worldly sense has dwindled to nothing. Few of the poor come near their churches in these days. The profitable fable is almost played out."

I have heard of boards, and of American boards, but it chances that I never heard of this particular lumber till lately. And yet I hear of Northern men, and women, and children, by families, buying a "life membership" in such societies as these. A life-membership in the grave! You can get buried cheaper than that. Our foes are in our midst and all about us.

After negotiations she pushed across the counter to him two discs of cardboard numbered 324 and 326, each marked 6s. 6d. He regarded the price as fantastic, but no cheaper rooms were to be had, and Helen's glance was dangerous. "Why," he muttered, "I've got a four-roomed cottage empty at Turnhill as I'd let for a month for thirteen shillings, and paper it!"

Moreover, the coating of silver is so thin as to be almost transparent: in fact, the sun may be seen through it by direct vision as a faint blue object. Silvered glass reflectors made in this way are extensively manufactured in London, and are far cheaper than refracting telescopes of corresponding size. Their great drawback is the want of permanence in the silver film.

"You see we pay only thirty dollars a month for this place, and I cover the housekeeping bills with another thirty or a little more." "Heavens! How can you do it?" Milly gasped. Their pension was over that amount apiece. "It's cheaper than anything at home, and lots more fun!" Presently Sam Reddon came whistling upstairs. He stopped in histrionic surprise at sight of Milly. "Not really, Milady!

It is cheaper to make people happy, sir, than to make them drunk." The Doctor and the ladies condescended to walk from one table to the other, and heard many merry stories, but not one profane word, or one indecent song: so that he was not forced to the painful necessity either of reproving them, or leaving them in anger.