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There we feel the power of the poet's creation; and in the sharp light of that sudden turn the humanity is livelier than any realistic work can make it. Italian Comedy gives many hints for a Tartuffe; but they may be found in Boccaccio, as well as in Machiavelli's Mandragola. Frate Timoteo has a fine Italian priestly pose. DONNA: Credete voi, che'l Turco passi questo anno in Italia?

The most innocuous of their charms was to make a heart of glowing ashes, and then to pierce it while singing: 'Prima che'l fuoco spenghi, Fa ch'a mia porta venghi; Tal ti punga mio amore Quale io fo questo cuore.

There we feel the power of the poet's creation; and in the sharp light of that sudden turn the humanity is livelier than any realistic work can make it. Italian Comedy gives many hints for a Tartuffe; but they may be found in Boccaccio, as well as in Machiavelli's Mandragola. Frate Timoteo has a fine Italian priestly pose. DONNA: Credete voi, che'l Turco passi questo anno in Italia?

For the sake not merely of authority, but the distinction of historical truth, we put our idea into realistic form in taking for the theme of our musical poem the motive with which we have heard the gondoliers of Venice sing over the waters the lines of Tasso, and utter them three centuries after the poet: "'Canto l'armi pietose e'l Capitano Che'l gran Sepolcro liberò di Christo!

It is therefore not to be regarded as merely a difference in subjective opinion when it is asserted on the one hand "Vox populi, vox dei"; "Che'l Volgare ignorante ogn' un riprenda E parli piü di quel che meno intenda." Both sides co-exist in public opinion. Since truth and endless error are so directly united in it, neither one nor the other side is truly in earnest.