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The new order of the "Sacred Heart" has drawn to it women from Russia, Spain, America, as well as from its native land of France, and the Sisters of Charity have won a worldwide fame in the hospitals of the East and the recent battle-fields of the West.

Ashmeade fanned herself in the fashion addicted by perturbed women who, nevertheless, mean to have their say out slowly and impersonally, and quite as if she was fanning some one else through motives of charity. "I don't question," Musgrave said, at length, "that Jack is the highly estimable character you describe.

Considerable sums of money are collected and expended here, employment is found for the idle, strangers are introduced, news is disseminated and charity distributed. At the same time this social, intellectual, and economic centre is a religious centre of great power.

"The serpent said, 'O Yudhishthira, truth, charity, forgiveness, benevolence, benignity, kindness and the Veda which worketh the benefit of the four orders, which is the authority in matters of religion and which is true, are seen even in the Sudra. As regards the object to be known and which thou allegest is without both happiness and misery, I do not see any such that is devoid of these.

Our rambles in the woods together were forbidden; and Julia was gravely informed that I was a poor youth, though her cousin an orphan whom her father's charity supported, and whom the public charity schooled. Well might she, in her simplicity of heart, wonder why it was, that because I was poor, she should be familiar with me no longer.

A little more patience, a little more charity for all, a little more love; with less bowing down to the past, and the silent ignoring of pretended authority; a brave looking forward to the future, with more self-confidence and more faith in our fellow men, and the race will be ripe for a great burst of life and light. Time and Chance

It was difficult to believe any one could prefer plain comfort in a porter's lodge to a title and estates. "But you wrote?" questioned Faith, eager to hear the whole. "Of course. We were as foolish as all the rest of the world! We thought happiness and gold and honor the three Graces, instead of Faith, Hope, and Charity," smiling into the girls' excited faces.

The whole province of Georgia could not furnish him with a track of land of the same extent more barren and unprofitable. To this house poor children were to be sent from at least a healthy country, to be supported partly by charity, and partly by the produce of this land cultivated by negroes.

A crowd of London blackguards was gathered round the doors of this temple of British valour; together with the horses and equipages of a few persons of fashion, who came, like Mr. Warrington, to patronise the sport. A variety of beggars and cripples hustled round the young gentleman, and whined to him for charity.

Give it me, oh pray, pray, pray give it me. I'll take it to Whitehall" IF we could always know at the time what we are doing. Two ladies carried a paper to Whitehall out of charity to a stranger. Therein the elder was a benefactress to a man she had never spoken of but as "the Wretch;" the younger held her truant bridegroom's heart, I may say, in her hand all the road and was his protectress.