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He wore, according to the tradition, a gray hat, rasped, flattened, dirty, and without a crown; a green coat in tatters; madder-colored pantaloons, patched in a thousand places, and tied around the ankles with twine; this assassin, overdoing the most grotesque and most impudent positions of the Chahut, now to the right, now to the left, backward and forward, with his long limbs hard as iron, folded and unfolded them with so much vigor and elasticity, that one would have said they were hung on springs.

'Madame ah! je me jetterais au leu pour madame une femme si charmante, si adorable! Mais un homme comme monsieur maussade, boudeur, impassible! Ah, non! de ma vie! J'en avais par-dessus la tete, de monsieur! Ah! vrai! Est-ce insupportable, tout de meme, qu'il existe des types comme ca? Je vous jure que 'Finissez ce chahut, Celestine! Trent broke in sharply.

And already by the rustlings in the woods and the occasional snapping of dry sticks, he could tell that the pursuing Indians were drawing perilously near him. "Boileau!" he whispered. "Boileau!" And then, in an agony of mind he risked all, and shouted: "Boileau, Boileau! A moi!" An angry whisper from almost at his side replied viciously: "Pas de chahut, malheureux! A bord vite, mille dieux!"

"It will enliven the condemned." "I invite the widow." "I invite the daughter." "That will make Jack Ketch gay." "He will dance La Chahut in his shop with customers." "Death to the nobs. Long live the leary coves and nailers!" cried Skeleton, in a roar.

I thought both dull places which nothing save their reputation could have recommended, even to those determined young decadents in London who were no prouder of their friendship with Bibi and Verlaine than of their freedom of the French music-halls, and who wrote of them with a pretence of profound knowledge calculated to épater le bourgeois at home, referring by name with easy familiarity to the dancers in the Quadrille Naturaliste, as celebrated in its way as Bibi in his, and explaining solemnly the chahut and the grand écart and le port d'armes and every evolution in that unpleasant dance.

"Finissez ce chahut, Célestine!" Trent broke in sharply. Célestine's tirade had brought back the memory of his student days in Paris with a rush. "En voil