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"There's little Larry my! how sweet the mare went over the water. There's Brickbat in it; no, he's out. He's an awkward beast. That's Thunderer Holy Virgin, what a leap! He goes at everything as if there were twenty foot to cross, and a six foot wall in the middle." "There's Playful at it again he'll never get her round. Bad cess to you, you vixen what made me bet on you?

How do you know, an' bad cess to your tongues, all through other, how Ellen Neil would like him after weltin' her brother? Don't ye think she has the spirit of her faction in her as well as another?" This, however, was not listened to. The father would hear of no apology for his son's cowardice but an instant challenge.

"Faith," said Terence, as we passed him, "'tis a foine man he is, and a gintleman born. Wasn't it him gathered the Convintion here in Harrodstown last year that chose him and another to go to the Virginia legislatoor? And him but a lad, ye might say. The divil fly away wid his caution! Sure the redskins is as toired as us, and gone home to the wives and childher, bad cess to thim."

"Throw some wood on those embers, and give me a drink of something, quickly," ordered Brereton, paying no heed to the inquiry. "Bad 'cess to yea lies," retorted the man, shutting the door. "It's not wan bit av firing or drink yez get this night from Oh, mother in hivin, don't shoot, an' yez honour shall have the best in the house, an' a blessin' along wid it!

"'The way I have allus done, laddie buck," she answered in her good Irish brogue. 'Workin' at the tub an' fightin' the divil bad 'cess to him but I kape me hilth an' lucky I am to do that thanks to the good God! How is me fine lad that I'd niver 'a' knowed but for the voice o' him? "'Not as fine as when I wore the white ruffles but stout as a moose, I answered. 'The war is a sad business.

A couple of sticks of dynamite prepared the hole for the latter, which was later walled up by Tony with large loose stone and covered over with a concrete slab later on when they built the new house they would put in a concrete septic tank, but for the present this cess pool would answer. After laying the water pipe, they borrowed a scoop from Brady and gathered up enough dirt to fill the trench.

Successively, in descending helotic order: Poverty: that of the outdoor hawker of imitation jewellery, the dun for the recovery of bad and doubtful debts, the poor rate and deputy cess collector.

Two years later they appear and say in court that their church still lacks windows, "and the parish is not able to mend the same, without it may please you that the rest of the cess that was made may be levied, which we cannot get unless we have your aid." In the same way the wardens of St.

Sure, bad cess to me, but it was on your account I did it." A vile grin, or rather an awkward blank smile, forced by an affectation of gallantry, accompanied the lie which he uttered. "Oh, yes, indeed," replied Lilly, "on my 'account, don't think to pass that upon me; however, I can forgive you a great many things in consequence of your behavior just now."

She's a crack in the web av the afther crank shaft ye could shtick a knife blade into. She may run for years, but sooner or later some wan'll have a salvage claim agin ye if ye neglect it now. An', for the love av heaven, have nothin' to do wit' her big motor. 'Twas bur-rnt out by him that had her ahead av me bad cess to him, whereiver he is!