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Then I venture to repeat, 'Take care, take care. If, as I say, I respect ces dames infinitely it's because they will be acting according to the highest wisdom of their sex. That's the sort of thing women do for a man the sort of thing they invent when they're exceptionally good and clever. When they're not they don't do so well; but it's not for want of trying.

J'ai beau me dire que ces impatiences, ces chagrins sont de la faiblesse: je le sais, je le sens, et je n'en suis pas plus fort."

But, at all events, I insist upon your never missing Marcel, who is at present of more consequence to you than all the bureaux in Europe; for this is the time for you to acquire 'tous ces petits riens', which, though in an arithmetical account, added to one another 'ad infinitum', they would amount to nothing, in the account of the world amount to a great and important sum.

"Les environs d'Elbingerode étant plus bas que ces parties recouvertes de matières vitrescibles, montrent la pierre

Chapter vii. 22. Ne faites pas aisément dessein de redire aux autres les nouuelles & les rapports qui auront couru touchant les rencontres des affaires, si vous n'auez vn garant de leur verité. Et ne vous amusez pas en racontant ces vau-de-villes, d'en citer l'Autheur, que vous ne soyez bien asseuré qu'il ne le trouuera pas mauuais. Gardez tousiours bien le secret qui vous a esté confié & ne le ditez

Everybody, in fact, enjoyed Edgar Doe. In these latter days the gifted youth had suddenly discovered that all things French were perfect. Gone were the days of classical elegancies. Doe read only French novels which he borrowed from Pierre Poilu at Seddel Bahr. And why? Because they knew how to live, ces français. They lived deeply, and felt deeply, with their lovely emotionalism.

At the story of the title which Colonel Esmond had ceded, he shrugged his shoulders, and treated it as a fable. "On ne fait pas de ces folies la!" says he, offering me snuff, "and your grandfather was a man of esprit! My little grandmother was eprise of him: and my father, the most good-natured soul alive, lent them the Virginian property to get them out of the way!

There while Barbier sat beside him, groaning over the conditions of peace, over the enthronement of the Emperor-King at Versailles, within sight of the statue of Louis Quatorze, now cursing 'ces imbeciles du gouvernement! and now wiping the tears from his old cheeks with a trembling hand David read the news of the fight of Buzenval, and the death of Regnault.

"Chose étrange d'aimer, et que pour ces maitresses, Les hommes soient sujets

Now the gentle miller, after accepting the custody of the boat, held a rapid consultation with his wife on the threshold of his dwelling, and as we were moving off to look for a hostelry, he limped up to me he had a leg that seemed as stiff as a post and said: 'If ces messieurs would like to stop here to-night, we will do our best for them.