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Cervus somonensis, Cuvier. C. tarandus priscus, Cuvier. Felis spelaea. Hyaena spelaea. The Ursus spelaeus has also been mentioned by some writers; but M. Lartet says he has sought in vain for it among the osteological treasures sent from Abbeville to Cuvier at Paris, and in other collections.

The baptistery is accessible by steps both from the basilica and the narthex. Attached to it is the consignatorium, as at Parenzo. This retains its mosaic pavement, with a design of stags drinking at a vase, and the text "Sicut cervus," &c. It is kept covered with pebbles to preserve it. The baptistery itself is octagonal externally and circular internally, with niches and several doors.

Gray, 'Catalogue of Mammalia in the British Museum, part iii. p. 220. On the Cervus canadensis or wapiti, see Hon. J.D. Caton, 'Ottawa Academy of Nat. I am indebted to Dr. For instance the horns of the female Ant. euchore resemble those of a distinct species, viz. the Ant. dorcas var.

The reindeer, rapidly disappearing, is now met with only in Olonetz and Vologda; the Cervus pygargus is found everywhere, and reaches Novgorod. The weasel, the fox and the hare are exceedingly common, as also the wolf and the bear in the north; but the glutton, the lynx, and even the elk are rapidly disappearing.

The cervus species rarely or never fall, even when stricken through the heart, knowing which, Deerfoot dashed up the slope, knife in hand, and made after the wounded buck, which could be heard threshing among the stones and underbrush. He was still floundering and running when overtaken by the youth, who quickly ended his suffering.

A spark seems to have fallen suddenly upon it, that has set it all on fire. Oh, how often do I remember, when in this state, those words of David: "Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum"! They seem to me to be literally true of myself.

Lucanidae, variability of the mandibles in the male. Lucanus, large size of males of. Lucanus cervus, numerical proportion of sexes of; weapons of the male. Lucanus elaphus, use of mandibles of; large jaws of male. Lucas, Prosper, on pigeons; on sexual preference in horses and bulls. Luminosity in insects. Lunar periods. Lund, Dr., on skulls found in Brazilian caves.

That the antelope has the bump of curiosity developed to a most amazing degree is well known. It is this peculiarity which has proved fatal to the animals in numberless instances. The curiosity of the cervus species, while much less, sometimes manifests itself in an extraordinary fashion.

As there are objections to considering these characters as of family value, arising from the intermediate position of the circumpolar genera Alces and Rangifer, as well as the water deer and the roe, a broader meaning is given to classification by retaining the comprehensive genera Cervus and Mazama, and recognizing the subordinate divisions only as sub-genera.

When proceeding towards them they came upon the dead carcass of a deer. It was a large species, the Cervus antisensis, but, as it had evidently been dead several days, it was swollen out to twice its original size, as is always the case with carcasses of animals left exposed in a warm climate. It was odd that some preying animals had not eaten it up.