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Anyhow, you can always sell it for twenty or twenty-five!" Patin's widow added fifty centimes, and the bird was given her in a little cage, which she carried away. She took it home, and, as she was opening the wire door in order to give it something to drink, he bit her finger and drew blood. "Oh, how naughty he is!" she said.

With pride and bitterness in his heart he went through the accounts with Mr. Rouy, and found that out of the 9,000 francs received from La Presse, he still owed 5,221 francs 85 centimes.

Truth compels us to state that these bottles only contain cod liver oil, a good and useful medicine; which is sold to the inhabitants of Norway for a "couronnes," which is worth one franc and thirty-nine centimes. Formerly this oil was made by the fishermen, but now the process is a more scientific one, and the prince of this special industry is the celebrated Dr. Schwaryencrona.

What a queer lot!" "We must, however, make a finish; although the arrest of this beggar is only for seventy-six francs, seventy-five centimes, it is only right that we should swell the costs to two hundred and forty or fifty francs. It is the wolf who pays." "You mean who has to fork out for this poor devil here will have to pay the fiddler, since it is he that must dance."

Belgium distinguished herself among the second-rate states by a grant of 513,000 francs about two centimes per head of her population. Holland and her colonies interested themselves to the extent of 110,000 florins, only demanding an allowance of five per cent. discount for paying ready money.

One felt that his apparel concealed round and well-developed muscles, and a body of thick hard flesh. Therese examined him with curiosity, glancing from his fists to his face, and experienced little shivers when her eyes fell on his bull-like neck. Camille spread out his Buffon volumes, and his serials at 10 centimes the number, to show his friend that he also studied.

At last they purchased a tiny metal Louis Quinze timepiece for eleven francs seventy-five centimes, congratulating themselves on the surplus of twenty-five centimes from their three weeks' savings. Madame Valière packed it with her impedimenta into the carpet-bag lent her by Madame la Propriétaire.

Romilly, on behalf of the actors of the Odéon, had paid the cemetery board 300 francs to be exact, 301 fr. 80 centimes. He had even made plans for a monument, a broken stele with comedy masks suspended upon it. But no decision had been come to on this point. The celebrant blessed the open grave. And the priest and the boy choristers murmured the responses: "Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine."

Also, at the moment of delivering each kick, he called the kanaka a black heathen. "For two centimes I'd come over there and drown you, you white beast!" I yelled. The only reason I did not go was that I felt too tired. The very thought of the effort to swim over was nauseating. So I called to the kanaka to come to me, and proceeded to share the hatch-cover with him.

When he got out he criticised the pictures, and insisted that one of the artists should put in a certain window which he had left out of the tower. Upon the whole, we liked him better as a prisoner. "What would you do," I asked the children, "if I gave you a piece of twenty-five centimes?" They reflected, and then evidently determined to pose as good children. "We would give it to our mamma."