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It was Wednesday then. Thursday and Friday passed. No change. On Saturday a scout brought breathless tidings. One of the great diskoids had crashed to the ground from its station fifty miles up in a smother of flame and flying fragments. No one knew what had happened; the Mercutians of course threw a strict censorship about the affair. But rumors flew on winged whisperings.

I am sure he would do something for you." "Of course he'd do something!" Her husband groaned. "I should get a censorship in Ireland, or a post as instructor at Portsmouth." "Wouldn't you rather take either of those than nothing?" she asked, "than go on living the life you are living now?" "To be perfectly frank with you, Philippa, I wouldn't," he declared bluntly.

The ship always has sailed, and by the time the letter is received is usually hundreds of miles away in Scotland, Ireland, or Timbuctoo. Moreover, as the censorship regulations strictly forbid the ship's location to be mentioned, the chief curses.

The proclamation further announces that the Military Government will collect the revenues and hold them in trust for the Republic. Following this proclamation Captain H. S. Knapp issued a drastic order providing for a press censorship.

We had hitherto got on very well in Chesumpscot, having caught a trick of silence, perhaps from the fish which we cured, more medicorum, by laying them out. But this summer some misguided young men among us got up a lecture-association. Of course it led to a general quarrel; for every pastor in the town wished to have the censorship of the list of lecturers.

Fit to command the regiment." "Um-m-m!" "Yes," said Kirby. The man in drab sat sidewise and caught Kirby's eye, which was not difficult. There was nothing furtive about him. "With a censorship that isn't admitted, but which has been rather obvious for more than a month; with all forces undergoing field training during the worst of the rains it's fair to suppose your men smell something?"

A rigid censorship is exercised over the press, the libraries, the public colleges, the schools, and all institutions having in view the education of the people and the dissemination of intelligence.

Despite fifty years, or near it, the flax-smooth hair held no glint of gray; his eyes, blue and big and wide, were sharp and bright, calm, confident, almost candid not quite the last, because of a roving trick of clandestine observation; his mouth, where it might or should have curved must once have curved in boyhood was set and guarded, even in skillful smilings, by a long censorship of undesirable facts, material or otherwise to any possible issue.

Cleveland's husband and her footman was that he received wages; but then the footman could leave when he chose, and there the parallel ended. Jack's habits had to submit to a rigid and inexorable censorship. "Those odious cigars" were prohibited, and then "his list of friends" was challenged. Frank Aikin, the bridesman, was tolerated the longest of all, and then he was "bluffed off" by Mrs.

"That particular matter, the matter of your censorship of a certain letter, has been the subject of a grave and earnest conference here between us all. We decided to send for you.