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During all this time he continued to wear the long black robe and hood and leathern girdle peculiar to the cenobites of the East, which he had donned at Milan shortly after his baptism when he laid aside the dress of his native Africa. Not only his vesture but also his daily life and practices were the same as those which are the privilege and glory of monks, nuns, and hermits.

Instances of such turbulence were not infrequent, and they account in part for the reckless prodigality shown by Shirakawa in building and furnishing temples. The cenobites did not confine themselves to demonstrations at the palace; they had their own quarrels also.

Scholarly and magnetic as Abelard, with a certain innate proud poise of the head and shoulders, that ill accorded with the Carlo-Borromeo expression of seraphic serenity and meekness, set like a seal on the large square mouth, he looked a veritable type of the ecclesiastical cenobites who, since the days of Pachomius at Tabennae, have made their hearts altars of the Triple Vows, and girdled the globe with a cable of scholastic mysticism.

What advantage could not be drawn from a multitude of cenobites of both sexes whom we see in so many countries, and who are so well paid to do nothing.

In every acceptation of the term he is a true and holy monk; besides, he has great judgment...." And as Durtal spoke to him of the other cenobites, and wondered that there were some quite young men among them, M. Bruno replied, "It is a mistake to suppose that most Trappists have lived in the world.

To what advantage might we not turn a multitude of cenobites of both sexes, who, in many countries, are amply endowed for doing nothing?

"After all," he thought, "I have no precise information about this monastery; I do not even know whether it may not be necessary to take a long and expensive journey to get there; the abbé indeed declares that it is not far from Paris, but it is impossible to decide on this simple declaration; it will be useful also to know the habits of these cenobites before going to stay with them."

It is a singular fact that, fearful of losing their character, or, what, perhaps, was dearer to them, their chocolate, the worthy cenobites were so diligent in suppressing Raucher's work that four copies only of it are said to be in existence.

Bonaparte's departure for Suez Crossing the desert Passage of the Red Sea The fountain of Moses The Cenobites of Mount Sinai Danger in recrossing the Red Sea Napoleon's return to Cairo Money borrowed at Genoa New designs upon Syria Dissatisfaction of the Ottoman Porte Plan for invading Asia Gigantic schemes General Berthier's permission to return to France His romantic love and the adored portrait He gives up his permission to return home Louis Bonaparte leaves Egypt The first Cashmere shawl in France Intercepted correspondence Departure for Syria Fountains of Messoudish Bonaparte jealous Discontent of the troops El-Arish taken Aspect of Syria Ramleh Jerusalem.

The tower is considerably later than the transepts and the nave fifteenth century I take it, Upon my soul, I am half tempted to renounce my allegiance and to doubt whether our modern standards of civilization surpass, in the intelligent application of means to ends, those of these mediaeval cenobites, and whether we are saner philanthropists, deeper philosophers, more genial humanists than they!"