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Ne donnez iamais de sobriquet, soit dans le jeu, ou bien hors du jeu. Gardez vous bien de picquer qui que ce puisse estre; ne vous mocquez d'aucune personne, particulierement d'entre celles qui sont qualifiées, quoy qu'auec occasion. Never give nicknames, whether in fun or not.

It was in the same town that he lived a most holy life, as had been foretold, honored by many miracles; now by permission of the Holy See, he is publicly invoked. The love of prayer and retirement made Francis wish to find in the neighborhood of Crotona a fit place for building a house suitable for the education of his novices. Guy pointed one out to him in the valley, near a place called Celles.

Quelles personnes de l'histoire detestez-vous le plus? Lopez. Pour quelles fautes avez-vous le plus d'indulgence? Pour celles que la passion excuse. I add the answers of Prosper Merimee: A quelle qualite donnez-vous la preference? La perseverance. Quels sont vos auteurs favoris? Pr. Merimee. Quelles sont vos occupations favorites? Faire des chateaux en Espagne. Qui voudriez-vous etre?

Les Turcs ont la politique d'avoir toujours des armées deux fois plus nombreuses que celles des chrétiens. Cette supériorité de nombre augmente leur courage, et elle leur permet en même temps de former différens corps pour attaquer par divers côtés

But Congress were now removed; and to the opinion that this example was proper, other causes were now added sufficient to prevent their return to Philadelphia. Omit 'La dette actuelle, &c. And also, 'Les details, &c. &c. to the end of the paragraph, 'celles des Etats Unis' page 156.

«§ 1063. Depuis la vallée dont je viens de parler, et qui termine au couchant les montagnes primitives, celles qui suivent jusques

And it is well, for the scene would be too repellent and brutal for reproduction. In the use of these specially instituted juries there was no care to get unbiassed decisions. One of the inquisitors appointed to examine Cystley Celles had already served as witness against her. It is hard to refrain from an indictment of the hopelessly prejudiced justice who gathered the evidence.

In short, the public was so charmed by hearing him, that, after preaching one day at Cortona, and wishing to return to the convent of Celles, the guards at the gates of the town would not let him pass.

Homme de zele et de conscience, il vient de se demettre des fonctions elevees et lucratives qu'il exercait a l'Athenee, celles de Prefet des Etudes, parce qu'il ne peut y realiser le bien qu'il avait espere, introduire l'enseignement religieux dans le programme des etudes.

Brother Guy, who was beatified by the Holy See, and of whom we have before spoken, begged the saint to allow him to build a cell in the fissure of a rock which was opposite to the convent of Celles, near Cortona, in order that he might live there in great solitude, and give himself up to contemplation.