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"He's still breathing, and a Christian has got to do what they can. Don't you think you ought to tie up?" "The freshet's leaving us. I'll run until we hit the big water down by Pleasantville, and then tie up," said Cavendish. "I reckon we'd better lift him on to one of the beds get his wet clothes off and wrap him up warm," said Polly. "Oh, put him in our bed!" cried all the little Cavendishes.

She had never seen a finer, healthier, cleaner-cut girl. Here for once was a "nice" woman of the town who did not stare at her with open and offensive curiosity. She was not surprised when she overheard the Police officer address her as "Miss Cavendish." No wonder this girl had poise and breeding the Cavendishes were the best people in the community.

"I reckon I been a heap of bother to you-all," said Yancy. "La, no," Polly assured him; "you ain't been." And now the six little Cavendishes appeared on the scene. The pore gentleman had come to sho! He had got his senses back sho! he wa'n't goin' to die after all; he could talk. Sho! a body could hear him plain!

Mingled with the constant supporters of the House of Brunswick, with the Russells, the Cavendishes, and the Pelhams, appeared a crowd of faces utterly unknown to the pages and gentlemen ushers, lords of rural manors, whose ale and foxhounds were renowned in the neighborhood of the Mendip hills, or round the Wrekin, but who had never crossed the threshold of the palace since the days when Oxford, with the white staff in his hand, stood behind Queen Anne.

For the sea-kings of the sixteenth century the Drakes, Hawkinses, Frobishers, Raleighs, Cavendishes the De Moors, Heemskerks, Barendts all sprung of the old pirate-lineage, whether called Englanders or Hollanders, and instinct with the same hereditary love of adventure, were about to wrestle with ancient tyrannies, to explore the most inaccessible regions, and to establish new commonwealths in worlds undreamed of by their ancestors to accomplish, in short, more wondrous feats than had been attempted by the Knuts, and Rollos, Rurics, Ropers, and Tancreds, of an earlier age.

I 'low he'd be some surprised to see us. I'd like to tell him, too, what the Earls of Lambeth done fo' him that they was always loyal, and thought a heap better of him than their neighbors done, and mebby some better than he deserved. Don't you reckon that not hearin' from us, he's got the notion the Cavendishes has petered out?" Mr. Yancy considered this likely, and said so.

The marriages, the reforms, the profusion of Henry had aided him in his policy of weakening the nobles by building up a new nobility which sprang from the Court and was wholly dependent on the Crown. Such were the Russells, the Cavendishes, the Wriothesleys, the Fitzwilliams.

Cavendish's voice and manner had become entirely confidential and sympathetic, and though fear of their mother could not be said to bulk high on their horizon, yet the small Cavendishes were persuaded by sheer force of his logic to withdraw and dress. Their father hurried back to Yancy.

"Sho', Polly, he's senseless! But you dress and come here quick. Now, you young folks, don't you tetch him!" for the six small Cavendishes, excited beyond measure, were crowding and shoving for a nearer sight of Yancy. They began to pelt their father with questions. Who was it? Sho', in the river? Sho', all cut up like that who'd cut him? Had he hurt himself? Was he throwed in?

Gay young Englishmen of twenty thousand a year, accustomed to liberty and luxury, would not easily submit to these Spartan restraints. The King could not venture to keep them in order as he kept his own subjects in order. Situated as he was with respect to England, he could not well imprison or shoot refractory Howards and Cavendishes.