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Well, I have always longed to be a teacher, this looks like a chance to begin. We might invite some of the neighbours to send in their children once a week, and start a little school. Causeries du lundi, in fact! Who knows I may yet be the Sainte Beuve of Brooklyn."

It is sufficient to cite one text already published: "According to Josephine, he had no moral principle whatever; did he not seduce his sisters one after the other? " "I am not a man like other men, he said of himself, "and moral laws and those of propriety do not apply to me." "Souvenirs d'un nonagenaire," by Besnard. Sainte-Beuve, "Causeries du Lundi," article on Volney. Miot de Melito, I., 297.

But his most famous productions were his critical essays published periodically in the "Constitutionnel" the "Moniteur" and the "Temps" later collected in sets under the names of "Critiques et Portraits Litteraires" "Portraits Contemporains" "Causeries du Lundi" and "Nouveaux Lundis." At the height of his vogue, these Monday essays were events of European importance. He died in 1869.

The day after: "Enfin il y a bien peu de chose a faire a mes planches, et j'espere que dans un jour ce sera termine. "J'ai beaucoup de choses a te dire mais ce sera pour nos bonnes causeries intimes. Je voyagerai toute la nuit de vendredi afin d'arriver samedi dans la matinee.

His Causeries du Lundi short critical papers originally contributed to a periodical magazine and subsequently published in a long series of volumes together with his Port Royal an elaborate account of the movements in letters and philosophy during the earlier years of Louis XIV's reign contain a mass of material of unequalled value concerning the whole of French literature.

As he is so intent upon us, let me gratify still further the honest pride of "the little nightingale," as they used to call him when he was a child, and read to you from the "Causeries du Lundi" what that wise French critic, Sainte-Beuve, has written of his favorite English poet:

For fifteen years M. Sainte-Beuve furnished once a week, under the title of "Causeries du Lundi," a critical paper, to a Paris daily journal; not short, rapid notices, but articles that would cover seven or eight pages of one of our double-columned monthly magazines. He was thus ever in the thick of the literary mêlée.

"Concevoir," said Balzac, "c'est jouir, c'est fumer des cigarettes enchantées; mais sans l'exécution tout s'en va en rêve et en fumée." Quoted by Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi, vol. ii. p. 353. See Vol. II., Revival of Learning, p. 128, 129. It was finished, according to Fra Paciolo, in 1498.

Martha died at Agen in 1834." 'Causeries du Lundi, iv. 241, edit. 1852. The Abbe Masson, priest of Vergt in Perigord, found the church in which he officiated so decayed and crumbling, that he was obliged to close it. It had long been in a ruinous condition.