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"In letters," he tells us, "it has led to materialism and anarchy, while the Bourbons personify for France peace, glory," etc. Troisième Série des Causeries Littéraires. Par Armand de Pontmartin. Pontmartin is an able representative of the side he has taken.

The fact is, that in my opinion we have now one more first rate mind, one more master of language among us. This course, with the "Causeries Atheniennes," seems to me to establish Victor Cherbuliez's position at Geneva. March 17, 1861. This afternoon a homicidal languor seized hold upon me disgust, weariness of life, mortal sadness.

He was very fond, indeed, of Sainte-Beuve, but almost as much for the information as for the criticism contained in the 'Causeries. He had always a fancy for such books as Gibbon's great work which give a wide panoramic view of history, and defended his taste on principle.

Brian and I turned over the pages of our memory for the Becketts, who listened like children to fairy tales or as we listened when you used to embroider history for us in those evening causeries in the dear old "den," Padre. I dug up the story about Henri at twenty-one, married more than a year to beautiful, lively Marguerite de Valois, and enduring lazily the despotism of his mother-in-law.

So courage! Five minutes of normal causeries, mere currencies of speech, and then the match to the train! She evolved, with some difficulty, the manner which would be correct in their relative positions; accepted the curtsey before stretching out a hand, guaranteed Olympian, to the plains below. "My dear Mrs.

Sainte-Beuve, the most eminent man of letters in France in our generation, wrote no less than twenty-seven volumes of his incomparable Causeries. Mr. Carlyle, the most eminent man of letters in England in our generation, has taught us that silence is golden in thirty volumes.

The whole of the interview between the Archbishop of Rheims and Jasmin is given by Sainte-Beuve in 'Causeries du Lundi, iv. 250. When the political turmoils in France had for a time subsided, Jasmin and the Abbe Masson recommenced their journeys in the South for the collection of funds for the church at Vergt.

Be a conscious partaker in one of the great ages of humanity. In the first of these after-dinner causeries I ventured humbly to remark that Patriotism was a vulgar vice of which I had never been guilty. That innocent indiscretion of mine aroused at the moment some unfavourable comment. I confess I was sorry for it. But I passed it by at the time, lest I should speak too hastily and lose my temper.

His best work is contained in the fifteen volumes of "Causeries du Lundi" and in the thirteen volumes of "Nouveaux Lundis" which were articles written for the daily newspapers, the Constitutionnel, the Moniteur, and the Temps, when, between the ages of forty-five and sixty-five, he was at the maturity of his powers.

It was the fate of this writer to be flattered beyond measure in his lifetime, and now come the first judgments of posterity, which deals with him no less harshly than it has already begun to deal with another idol of the French people, Béranger. Sainte-Beuve has constituted himself judge, reversing even his own adulatory articles, as they may be read in the earlier volumes of the "Causeries."