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She reached Trieste after "an agonizing sixty hours" and was seriously ill for several weeks. All the while, Burton, whose purse, like that of one of his favourite poets, Catullus, was "full of cobwebs," had been turning his thoughts to Midian again. He still asseverated that it was a land of gold, and he believed that if he could get to Egypt the rest would be easy. Says Mrs.

He spoke just as frankly before the Emperor Nerva. Nerva was dining with a few friends; Veiento was sitting next to him and was leaning on his shoulder I need say no more after mentioning the man's name. The conversation turned upon Catullus Messalinus, who was blind, and had that curse to bear in addition to his savage disposition.

Take thou from him his thanks, his fond regards, The first of patrons from the least of bards." CATULLUS, xlix. " 193, note 4, last line, for B.C. 45 lege B.C. 46. " 253, Letter CXXII, for A IV, 1, lege A IV, 2. This opening of the correspondence finds Cicero, now in his thirty-ninth year, in the midst of his official career.

Lorenzo also impressed Poliziano into the work, whose labors in marking the various readings, in adding scholia and "notes" illustrative of the text of Catullus, Propertius, Ovid, etc., were of the utmost value.

They are positively brimming over with grace, sweetness, irony and love. He occasionally, and of set design, interpolates among these smooth and easy-flowing verses others cast in a more rugged mould, and here again he is like Catullus and Calvus. A little while ago he read me some letters which he declared had been written by his wife.

The only thought, therefore, on which we can repose with comfort, is that which presents to us the care of Providence, whose eye takes in the whole of things, and under whose direction all involuntary errours will terminate in happiness. No. 108. Nobis, quum semel occidit brevis lux, Nox est perpetua una dormienda. CATULLUS, Lib. v. El. v.

Learning made libidinous: one who reads Catullus and profits by it." "Bah, no, we will not leave the gentle Abigail for her. I have promised to meet St. John, too, at the Mashams'." "As you like. We shall get some wine at Abigail's, which we should never do at the house of her cousin of Marlborough."

While Murat was straining up the slopes of Monte Baldo, Bonaparte, giving no rest to the weary feet of Masséna's division, the same men who two days before had marched by night from Verona, was retracing his steps on that well-worn road past the city of Catullus and the Capulets onward toward Mantua. Provera had crossed the Adige at Anghiari with ten thousand men.

"'In what can my knowledge of the Paradise of Poets be serviceable to you, sir? said Catullus, as he flung himself at the feet of Laura, on the velvet grass. "'I am disinclined to seem impertinently curious, I answered, 'but the ladies in this fair, smiling country have the gods made them poetical? "'Not generally, replied Catullus.

Another exquisite and illuminating passage occurs in Catullus, 51, given in Marchena's fourth note. "Then she kneaded dust and spittle and, dipping her middle finger into the mixture, she crossed my forehead with it." Since the Fairy Tale Era of the human race, sputum has been employed to give potency to charms and to curses.