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Temple fetched a roaring sigh: 'Oh! how good this goose 'd be with our champagne. The idea seized and enraptured me. 'Saddlebank, I 'll buy him off you, I said. 'Chink won't flavour him, said Saddlebank, still at his business: 'here, you two, cut back by the down and try all your might to get a dozen apples before Catman counts heads at the door, and you hold your tongues.

They took their instructions from Saddlebank as to how they were to surround Catman, and make him fancy us to be all in his neighbourhood; and then we shook hands, they requesting us feebly to drink their healths, and we saying, ay, that we would. Temple was in distress of spirits because of his having been ignominiously bought off.

From which it followed that one title of superiority among us, ranking next in the order of nobility to the dignity conferred by Mr. Rippenger's rod, was the being down in their books. Temple and I walked in the halo of unlimited credit like more than mortal twins. I gave an order for four bottles of champagne. On the Friday evening Catman walked out with us.

His studious habits endeared him to us immensely, owing to his having his head in his book on all occasions, and a walk under his superintendence was first cousin to liberty. Some boys roamed ahead, some lagged behind, while Catman turned over his pages, sounding the return only when it grew dark. The rumour of the champagne had already intoxicated the boys.

His studious habits endeared him to us immensely, owing to his having his head in his book on all occasions, and a walk under his superintendence was first cousin to liberty. Some boys roamed ahead, some lagged behind, while Catman turned over his pages, sounding the return only when it grew dark. The rumour of the champagne had already intoxicated the boys.

'Bother it, Saddlebank, you'll make Catman hear you, said Temple, wiping his forehead. I perspired coldly. 'Catman! He's been at it for the last hour and a half, Saddlebank replied. One boy ran up: he was ready, and the only one who was. Presently Chaunter rushed by. 'Barnshed 's in custody; I'm away home, he said, passing. We stared at the black opening of the dell.

Temple fetched a roaring sigh: 'Oh! how good this goose 'd be with our champagne. The idea seized and enraptured me. 'Saddlebank, I 'll buy him off you, I said. 'Chink won't flavour him, said Saddlebank, still at his business: 'here, you two, cut back by the down and try all your might to get a dozen apples before Catman counts heads at the door, and you hold your tongues.

From which it followed that one title of superiority among us, ranking next in the order of nobility to the dignity conferred by Mr. Rippenger's rod, was the being down in their books. Temple and I walked in the halo of unlimited credit like more than mortal twins. I gave an order for four bottles of champagne. On the Friday evening Catman walked out with us.

We shot past the man with the geese I pitied him clipped a corner of the down, and by dint of hard running reached the main street, mad for apples, before Catman appeared there. Apples, champagne, and cakes were now provided; all that was left to think of was the goose. We glorified Saddlebank's cleverness to the boys.

They took their instructions from Saddlebank as to how they were to surround Catman, and make him fancy us to be all in his neighbourhood; and then we shook hands, they requesting us feebly to drink their healths, and we saying, ay, that we would. Temple was in distress of spirits because of his having been ignominiously bought off.