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Sir Andrew Smith, 'Zoology of S. Africa, pl. xix. The effects of castration deserve notice, as throwing light on this same point. Stags after the operation never renew their horns. The male reindeer, however, must be excepted, as after castration he does renew them.

The original account of these operations is reproduced in the Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift, No. 2, 1909, with an approving comment by the editor, Dr. Bresler. As regards castration in America, see Flood, "Castration of Idiot Children," American Journal Psychology, Jan., 1899; also, Alienist and Neurologist, Aug., 1909, p. 348.

These traits appear only when the hormones occur which are present in one sex and that only when the gonads of that sex are mature. In some cases they appear only at the period of the year when reproduction takes place, disappearing again after the breeding season. After castration, the hormones being absent, all these points of contrast between the sexes fail to appear.

Smith and Schuster found that castration at other seasons caused the pad to remain in the condition in which it was at the time, that there was no reduction or absorption as Nussbaum and Meisenheimer found, and that allo-transplantation of testes that is, the introduction of testes from other frogs either into the dorsal lymph-sacs or into the abdominal cavity or the injection of testis extract, had no effect in causing growth or development of the thumb-pad.

In such cases the secondary male characters may fee more or less completely developed. Thus Shattock and Seligmann state that ligature of the vas deferens made no difference to the male characters, and that after castration detached fragments were often left in different positions as grafts, when the secondary characters developed.

A man who has been degraded and embittered by an enforced castration might not be dangerous to posterity, but might very easily become a dangerous member of the society in which he actually lived. With due precautions and safeguards, castration may doubtless play a certain part in the elevation and improvement of the race.

He returned for a third time, having himself unsuccessfully performed castration. A case of self-mutilation by a soldier who was confined in the guard-house for drunkenness is related by Beck.

Per contra, the weakening of the generative power and of the constructive imagination coincide in old age, which is, in a word, a decay of nutrition, a progressive atrophy. It is proper not to omit the influence of castration.

Whosoever shall be guilty of Rape,* Polygamy, or Sodomy, * with man or woman, shall be punished, if a man, by castration, if a woman, by cutting through the cartilage of her nose, a hole of one half inch in diameter at the least. * 13 E. 1. c. 34. Forcible abduction of a woman having substance, is felony by 3 H. 7, c 2; 3. Inst. 61; 4 Bl. 208.

After I had told her of this childish belief, she at once confirmed it with an anecdote in which the boy asks the girl: "Was it cut off?" to which the girl replied, "No, it's always been so." The sending away of the little one, of the genital, in the first dream therefore also refers to the threatened castration. Finally she blames her mother for not having been born a boy.