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Young home-born slaves were bought up by the dealers, castrated, because of the increased price they brought when in this condition, and sold for huge sums: Seneca, Controv. x, chap. 4; and kidnapping was frequently resorted to, just as it is in Africa today. In Russia there is a sect called the "skoptzi," whose tenets, in this respect, are indicated by their name.

"Hermotimus, then, was sprung from these Pedasians; and, of all men we know, revenged himself in the severest manner for an injury he had received; for, having been captured by an enemy and sold, he was purchased by one Panionius, a Chian, who gained a livelihood by the most infamous practices; for whenever he purchased boys remarkable for their beauty, having castrated them, he used to take them to Sardis and Ephesus and sell them for large sums; for with the barbarians, eunuchs are more valued than others, on account of their perfect fidelity.

But a serious cause of error seems to me to be here introduced: a plant to be hybridised must be castrated, and, what is often more important, must be secluded in order to prevent pollen being brought to it by insects from other plants. Nearly all the plants experimentised on by Gärtner were potted, and apparently were kept in a chamber in his house.

Several drakes were castrated in July when in the eclipse condition, and although the authors state, in their general conclusions, that this does not produce any constant appreciable effect upon the next passage of the bird into winter plumage, they describe one bird so treated which on November 18 retained many eclipse feathers: the general appearance of the chestnut area of the breast was eclipse.

This animal does not emit its strong odour until more than a year old, and if castrated whilst young never emits it. Rengger, 'Naturgeschichte der Saugethiere von Paraguay, 1830, s. 355. The so-called tear-sacks, or suborbital pits, come under this head. These glands secrete a semi-fluid fetid matter which is sometimes so copious as to stain the whole face, as I have myself seen in an antelope.

See the chapters on these several animals in vol. i. of my 'Variation of Animals under Domestication; also vol. ii. p. 73; also chap. xx. on the practice of selection by semi-civilised people. For the Berbura goat, see Dr. Winwood Reade, it is not developed if the animal be castrated.

The youth was castrated: he survived the operation, and the memory of this indecent cruelty is preserved by the elevation of Germanus to the rank of a patriarch and saint.

The gelding is tractable and useful, and the absence of the fiery impatience of the stallion fits the gelding for man's use. When men are castrated, as in the East, in youth, where they are prized as custodians of the harem, they are fat, usually large of frame, but short-lived. The growth of hair on the head is often scant; on the face and body it is altogether missing.

Take him away, and let him have the Strapado. Car. Baridama, Dermack. Fran. Heavens, what says he? I Turk. He means to have you castrated. Fran. Castrated! Oh, that's some dreadful thing, I'll warrant, Gracious Great Turk, for Mahomet's sake, excuse me; alas, I've lost my wits. Car. Galero Gardines? Guz. The Emperor asks if thou art married, Fellow. Fran.

The abnormal lengthening of the long bones at the age of puberty in the castrated is, as we have seen, very pronounced. There is little tendency to associate length of limb with an erotic temperament, and a certain amount of data as well as of more vague opinion points in the opposite direction.