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"Shall we give her a ball?" asked Elmore, looking round the pretty little apartment. "There's nothing going on among the Italians. But you might get us invited to the German Casino." "I dare say. But I will not do that." "Then we could go to the Luogotenenza, to the receptions. Mr. Hoskins could call with us, and they would send us cards."

The grounds, though very extensive, are wholly within the walls of the city, which skirt them, and comprise a part of what were formerly the gardens of Sallust. The villa is now the property of Prince Piombini, a ticket from whom procured us admission. A little within the gateway, to the right, is a casino, containing two large rooms filled with sculpture, much of which is very valuable.

He is wise and prudent; I could not refuse his request." "You are quite right. When shall we sup together?" "Next Sunday, if you like." "If I like is not the right expression, for I always like. On Sunday, then, I will go to the casino towards nightfall, and wait for you with a book. Have you told your friend that you were not very uncomfortable in my small palace?"

I have contrived to gain over the lay-sister and the gardener, as well as another nun, and that miracle was performed by my cunning assisted by my lover's gold. "He answers for the fidelity of the cook and his wife who take care of the casino. He has likewise every confidence in the two gondoliers, although one of them is sure to be a spy of the State Inquisitors."

At masked balls the chaperon is useless, and everyone, being masked, looks so much alike that mistakes are easy. About half-past one o'clock a big motor-car drew up in the Place before the Casino, and a tall man in a white fancy dress of a cavalier, with wide-brimmed hat and staggering plume, stepped from it and, presenting his ticket, passed at once into the crowded ball-room.

Another is that my Casino's scheduled to be a home from home, a place you can be real cosy in. You'll look around you, and the only thing you'll miss will be mother's face. Yes, sir, there's no need for a gambling Casino to look and feel and smell like the reading-room at the British Museum. Comfort, coziness and convenience. That's the ticket I'm running on. Slip that to the old gink, Crump."

"I do want you to like Egypt," he added, like an eager boy. "I am sure I shall like it, Nigel. There's no Casino, I suppose!" "Good heavens, no! What should one do with a Casino here!" "Oh, they sometimes have one, even in places like this. A friend of mine who went to Biskra told me there was one there." "Look at that, Ruby! That's better than any Casino don't you think?"

MRS. HAZELDEAN. "But Frank will pass close by the Casino on his way to the Leslies'. It may be more civil if he leaves the note himself." "Do you think so?" MRS. HAZELDEAN. "Yes, certainly. Frank, Frank, as you pass by the Casino, call on Mr. Riccabocca, give this note, and say we shall be heartily glad if he will come." Frank nods. "Stop a bit," cried the squire.

It is queer how people never do their best when it is important that they should. I feel as if I were going to be all thumbs this morning." "Oh, you won't. You'll get excited and forget about the thumbs," remarked Georgie, consolingly. "Mamma, aren't you coming to see us?" "Yes, I think I shall; and I will bring Cannie with me. She hasn't seen the Casino yet."

It was indescribably repulsive that his wife should speak in his presence of his possible suicide. The girl felt a sudden horror of Lady Dauntrey, yet she did not cease to pity her; and she was infinitely sorry for the cowed and wretched man whom she had always liked. They started together for the Casino, Mary not yet understanding precisely what was to be done, but willing to give her services.