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He felt the soft little note-book in his hand. And the strangest sensation shuddered over him. He drew his breath sharply. When General Lodge turned again to face him, Neale saw him differently aloof, somehow removed, indistinct. "Casey meant that note-book for you," said the general, "It belonged to the woman, Beauty Stanton.

Casey took it, thinking he would pretend to drink, would urge Joe to take a drink; it would be simple, once he got Joe started. But Joe had a few ideas of his own concerning the celebration. He pulled a gun unexpectedly, leaned against the closed door to steady himself and aimed it full at Casey.

Military aid was called to the defense of the jail and its prisoners and after a while the multitude dispersed, leaving all quiet. Casey and Cora Turned Over to Vigilance Committee. Sunday, May 18th, a deputation of the Committee was delegated to call at the door of the jail and request the Sheriff to deliver up the prisoner, Casey. Upon arriving at the door three raps were made.

Having kicked himself out of it, he had undoubtedly discovered a leaking can supposing the cans had escaped thus far and had battered them with his heels until they were all leaking copiously. William had saved what he could. Casey read the whole story in the sand. The four cans were bent with gaping seams, and their sides were scored with the prints of William's hoofs.

"Oh, you won't be alone long," observed Casey. "The police will be here as soon as we send 'em word. And here's a crowd outside already." There was one made up of men and boys with, here and there, a factory girl on her way to work.

Only fer Bill Masters bein' your friend, I dunno but what I'd take yuh right back with me t' L. A. an' let yuh sleep in a jail oncet seein' you've never had the pleasure!" The young man laughed imperturbably. "Flip that dollar for me, Casey, to see whether I shoot yuh now an' dump yuh out in the brush somewheres, or make yuh play the hootch game an' like it.

"Faith, afther that look, if you don't know my name, I do yours; there was your mother's eye fastened on me to the life. However, take it easy, sir; devil a bit I'm afeared. If you're not her son, Misther Woodward, why, I'm not Barney Casey, that's all. Don't deny it, sir; you're welcome home, and I'm glad to see you, as they all will be."

"You never did see me in town duds, did you, Casey?" His eyes went to the Little Woman's face and then to me. "I suppose you know what this wild Irishman has just pulled off back there," he said, tilting his head toward San Bernardino, many a mile away to the southwest.

He had a look several looks, in fact. There was the false bottom under the seat, but there was nothing in it. He took his pocket knife, opened a blade and split the edge of the seat-cushion at the bottom. He inserted a finger and thumb and drew out a bit of hair stuffing. He stood up and eyed Casey sharply, and Casey stared back defensively. "He was a darned liar from start t' finish.

The matron brought her up into the front room of the station house at eight in the morning. Casey looked at her haggard face with an expression of satisfaction. "Her nerve's going," he said to the sergeant. "I guess she'll break down and confess to-day." They drove her to court in a Black Maria, packed among thieves, drunkards and disorderly characters.