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There is also a statue of her, whence the drama is named Viddha Salabhanjika, meaning a curved statue or effigy. The king discovers the statue. He thinks, "Who will carve on the wall the person I dreamed of? No one was present when I dreamt. Has anyone carved the statue out of his fancy? A real person may exist in this world or how can an exact figure come here?"

When you carve, you should never rise from your seat. Some persons, in helping their guests, or recommending dishes to their taste, preface every such action with an eulogy on its merits, and draw every bottle of wine with an account of its virtues. Others, running into the contrary extreme, regret or fear that each dish is not exactly as it should be; that the cook, etc., etc.

"Do you?" said Margaret. "Papa always liked the bare table." "Will you take the head of the table, miss?" asked Elizabeth. "I have set your place here, and Miss " "Miss Peggy's," suggested Margaret gently. "Thank you, miss! Miss Peggy's at the side here." "Very well," said Margaret. "We shall sit just where you put us, Elizabeth. And Miss Rita will sit opposite me and carve the chicken.

He gnashed his teeth with a rage very real, and yet comic. "There used to be a carver here, but it was broken and thrown away a long time ago. Nothing much to carve here. It would have made a noble weapon, no doubt; but " He stopped. The girl sat very quiet, with downcast eyes.

Thin with aporns & Carve on the head imitation of animals & other heads; The Indians above Sacrafise the property of the Deceased to wit horses Canoes, bowls Basquets of which they make great use to hold water boil their meet &c. &c. great many Indians came down from the uppr Village & Sat with us, Smoked, rained all the evenig & blew hard from the West encamped on the Lard Side opsd. an Rock in a verry Bad place

On the other hand, all pictorial sculpture, such as carved landscapes with figures diminishing both in scale and projection, necessarily fail to uphold this sense of solidity, as there must occur large spaces which are hollowed out far below the surface to give another plane on which to carve the more distant objects in low relief, in the vain hope of making them appear to recede.

We live in an age of base conceit and baser servility an age whose intellect is chiefly formed by pillage, and occupied in desecration; one day mimicking, the next destroying, the works of all the noble persons who made its intellectual or art life possible to it: an age without honest confidence enough in itself to carve a cherry-stone with an original fancy, but with insolence enough to abolish the solar system, if it were allowed to meddle with it.

He was a remarkably good-looking young fellow, and I noted the fact at the time. Trunnell did not answer the last remark, but held himself very straight in his chair. "Do you believe much in the fellow who was skipper, especially after his tryin' to carve Mr. Rolling?" "I believe him a good sailor," said Trunnell, stiffening up. "Ye don't say?" said the skipper.

When these feelings are not behind the expression, it becomes a language which is in itself only contemptible. If, carried away by fancy, you must find vent for its impulses, and carve images of unearthly beings, at least make them cheerful looking; one can imagine such demons and goblins as being rather nice fellows than otherwise.

Nobody shall say I can't carve a calf's head." Benedick smiled, and as it was time for Don Pedro to receive officials, the Prince sat down in a chair of state and prepared his mind for justice. The door soon opened to admit Dogberry and his prisoners. "What offence," said Don Pedro, "are these men charged with?" Borachio thought the moment a happy one for making a clean breast of it.