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He'd been a ship's surgeon he'd been attached to the medical staff of more than one foreign army, and had seen service he'd been on one or two voyages of discovery he'd lived in every continent in fact, he'd had a very adventurous life, and lately he'd married a rich American heiress." "Oh, Lady Carstairs is an American, is she?" remarked Mr. Lindsey. "Just so haven't you met her?" asked Mr.

Now, as he drew near them again, she was telling Mary that though Tennyson was fine for the purty language, it was really Browning who understood the human heart. And down in the engine room they had everything ready for the bell. "Have you two settled the poets' hash yet?" asked Varney. "I hope you didn't make the mistake of preferring Tennyson to Browning, Miss Carstairs?

Andrews in the other; and then, not unnaturally, he was wanting to know if Mr. Lindsey was suggesting that Sir Gilbert Carstairs had sailed his yacht ashore, left it, and that it had drifted out to sea again? "I'm not suggesting anything," answered Mr. Lindsey. "I'm only speculating on possibilities. And that's about as idle work as standing here talking.

"I fancy that we'll see Lannes before we do Carstairs and Wharton." "I think so too. He'll certainly be hovering today somewhere over the ground between the two armies either to observe the Germans or more likely to carry messages between the French generals. I tell you, Mr. Scott, that Philip Lannes is perhaps the most wonderful young man in Europe.

He was an officer, in Major's uniform, and he was smoking a cigarette impatiently and staring down the lounge. She, on the other hand, had her eyes fixed on him as if to read every expression on his face, which was heavy and sullen and mutinous. "Is that final, then, George?" she said. "I tell you I can't help it; I promised I'd dine with Carstairs to-night." A look swept across her face.

"Out into the world," said Varney, "where Mary Carstairs is waiting for you and me." "But but I feel extremely nervous does she know?" "She is going to know in about thirty seconds, and we are the three happiest people in America." "I think," said the old man palely, "that she she likes me " "In less than a minute," said the young one, "she is going to love you."

Now, it is this horrible fairy tale of a man constantly changing into other men that is the soul of the Decadence. That John Paterson should, with apparent calm, look forward to being a certain General Barker on Monday, Dr. Macgregor on Tuesday, Sir Walter Carstairs on Wednesday, and Sam Slugg on Thursday, may seem a nightmare; but to that nightmare we give the name of modern culture.

"I'll put it again, and you needn't be afraid that anybody'll overhear us in this place, it's safe! I say once more, what for did you not tell in your evidence at that inquest that you saw Sir Gilbert Carstairs at the cross-roads on the night of the murder! Um?" "That's my business!" said I "Just so," said he. "And I'll agree with you in that. It is your business.

I thought maybe he might want some." "I doubt if I'll take any figs to-night, either," laughed Varney. "But mayn't I get something for you, Miss Carstairs? I'm happy to say that the chocolate is holding out better than we feared." "Thank you," she said, apparently addressing the child, "I don't believe I wish anything."

And what were the two of 'em after in this corner of the country? Black mystery, my lad, on all hands!" I made no answer just then. I was thinking, wondering if I should tell him about my meeting with Sir Gilbert Carstairs at the cross-roads. Mr. Lindsey was just the man you could and would tell anything to, and it would maybe have been best if I had told him of that matter there and then.