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Winthrop noticed my weariness, for he said, rather grimly: "It is too bad, having you out late two nights in succession." I remembered his gift for Mr. Bowen, and was silent. "At the next station we will be able to change cars for New York. The conductor tells me we shall only be compelled to wait a short time."

"And shall we ride in the cars?" asked the child, with animation. "Yes, didn't you ever ride in the cars before?" "No, never." "I think you will like it." "Oh, I know I shall. How fast do the cars go?" "Oh, a good many miles an hour, maybe thirty." "And how long will it take us to go to the place you are going to carry me to!" "I don't know exactly, perhaps two hours."

As far as the eye could reach the throng engulfed the pavements and overflowed into the streets between the curbs, mingling with the mass of cars, cabs, trucks and wagons. On either side towered the interminable miles of business houses whose nerves and arteries reach to the limits of the known world, savage and civilised.

After this the son of Pandu once more pierced with his fierce shafts, the samsaptakas with their steeds, drivers, cars, elephants, standards and foot-soldiers. Every one of those that stood there as spectators, every one of those that were stationed there on foot or car or steed or elephant, regarded himself as shrouded by the arrows of Arjuna.

The officious man in the blue cap on the dock had shouted "All aboard!" the moment the passengers left the cars of the little narrow-gauge railroad, on which the girl had been riding for more than two hours; but it was some minutes before the wheezy old steamer got under way.

But having the advantage of the enemy, we defeated them, captured their camp, with several prisoners and horses. A large quantity of camp and garrison equipage fell into our hands, which we burned. Unfortunately for us we did not come just in time to take the cars, but we created an alarm quite as extensive as that which prevailed at Beaver Dam, on our former visit.

"Well, one day, Henery told me, he was tryin' to catch up a big car that just came out from France, and it had a half-hour start of him, and he was just fairly flyin', and there was a lot of cars on the road, and he flies past 'em so fast the old man says, 'It's very strange, Henery, he says, 'that all the cars that are out to-day are comin' this way, he says.

I obtained photographs of the bosses, the bloodhounds and the camp box cars in which the lumber Jacks lived. Several times around a bonfire of pine knots I entertained the men of the camp with stories of travel, history and romance.

We were unprepared to find that he spoke no English! It turned out that his ancestors had gone over from Scotland to the court of Peter the Great. Early in March we got orders to return to Baghdad, where all the armored cars were to be concentrated preparatory to an attack on the Euphrates front. There was much speculation as to our mission.

"These are the cars poultry is shipped in," explained Uncle Robert. "Perhaps they have been to Chicago with chickens for the market, and are on the way back to the place they came from for more." "How many of these big yellow cars there are!" said Susie. "They all have re-frig-re-frig " "Refrigerator," prompted Uncle Robert. "Oh, I know what a refrigerator is," said Susie. "It's an ice box.