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The latter has declared that he will not go on the expedition if it takes Carrión's course; "and as he who goes as general, ... is of his nation and land, and his intimate friend, he wishes to please the father in everything; and as the said general has no experience in these things, nor does he understand anything of navigation, through not having practiced it, he is unable to distinguish one thing from another, and embraces the father's opinion in everything."

Tell Warrigal Alf his carrion's on the road for Yoongoolee yards, horse an' all; an' from there they'll go to Booligal pound if he ain't smart. I met them just now." "Where shall I find Alf?" "Ain't his wagon bitin' you there in the clear? You ain't a bad hand at sleepin' no, I 'm beggared if you are. I bin bellerin' at you for two hours, dash near." "Who has got the bullocks, Mosey?"

I noticed a sinister smile on his sad, stern face as Mosey gaily accosted him. "An' how's the world usin' you, Alf? Got red o' Pilot, I notice. Ever see sich a suck-in? Best at a distance, ain't he? Our wagons is over there on the other track, among the pines. Where did you stop las' night? Your carrion's as full as ticks."