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Hour after hour in the gardens and orchards they worked in the full beams of the sun, gathering fruit for the London market, resting at midday in the shade of the elms in the corner. Even then they were in the sunshine even in the shade, for the air carries it, or its influence, as it carries the perfumes of flowers.

It was, however, his misfortune throughout life to form a wrong estimate of himself in everything save in his poetical powers. A life in Venice is more monotonous than in any other great city; but a man of genius carries with him everywhere a charm, which secures to him both variety and enjoyment.

The first duty in this world is for a man to pay his way; when that is quite accomplished, he may plunge into what eccentricity he likes; but emphatically not till then. Till then, he must pay assiduous court to the bourgeois who carries the purse.

II. Let me take a higher illustration; we have to choose between the yoke of virtue and the iron yoke of vice. We are under a far more spiritual and searching law than that written in any statute-book, or administered by any court. Every man carries within his own heart the court, the tribunal; the culprit and the judge.

How did Simeon Stylites manage to scrat on? One prefers to think that an angel put him on his column, carrying him somewhat as one carries a cat; and called for him to be taken down at convenient intervals by appointment. The mind revolts at the idea that he really never came down, quite never!

But it is so far personal, so allied to grace of gesture, to charm of manner, to melody of voice, to perfection of speech, to a commanding presence, that it carries to the future but a fraction of its power. The cold type and the insentiate page constitute at best only the record of nature's rarest gift.

Folks call Old Aaron lazy, I heard 'em a'ready, lots of times, but I bet some of them wouldn't have fought like he did and left a leg at Gettysburg and ach, I think Old Aaron is just vonderful grand!" she ended in an impulsive burst of eloquence. "Hooray!" shouted David. "So do I! When he carries the flag out the pike every Decoration Day he's somebody, all right." "Ain't now!" agreed Phœbe.

"It carries the con-conno what's that word, Pierre?" "I'm going to get some books for you, Jack, and we'll do a bit of reading on the side, shall we?" "I'd love that!" He turned and looked up to her sharply. He said: "Sometimes, Jack, you talk just like a girl." "Do I? That's queer, isn't it? But go on with the story."

This completed the part of the ceremonial which belonged immediately to Aaron and the priests. It carries important lessons. Could there be a more striking exhibition of their imperfect realisation of the idea of the priestly office? Observe the anomaly inherent in the very necessity of the case.

He carries a sword, a small knife, a blow-pipe with spear-blade attached, and a small axe with long narrow blade for working camphor out of the heart of the camphor-tree.