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It will be seen that the breeding precincts of the two species overlap, while in winter canadensis comes down from the north and takes up his abode in the southern part of the demesne of carolinensis.

Bombus, difference of the sexes in. Bombycidae, coloration of; pairing of the; colours of. Bombycilla carolinensis, red appendages of. Bombyx cynthia, proportion of the sexes in; pairing of. Bombyx mori, difference of size of the male and female cocoons of; pairing of. Bombyx Pernyi, proportion of sexes of. Bombyx Yamamai, M. Personnat on; proportion of sexes of.

Adams, Mr., migration of birds; intelligence of nut-hatch; on the Bombycilla carolinensis. Admiral butterfly. Adoption of the young of other animals by female monkeys. Advancement in the organic scale, Von Baer's definition of. Aeby, on the difference between the skulls of man and the quadrumana. Aesthetic faculty, not highly developed in savages.

Audubon, J.J., on the pinioned goose; on the speculum of Mergus cucullatus; on the pugnacity of male birds; on courtship of Caprimulgus; on Tetrao cupido; on Ardea nycticorax; on Sturnella ludoviciana; on the vocal organs of Tetra cupido; on the drumming of the male Tetrao umbellus; on sounds produced by the nightjar; on Ardea herodias and Cathartes jota; on Mimus polyglottus; on display in male birds; on the spring change of colour in some finches; on migration of mocking thrushes; recognition of a dog by a turkey; selection of mate by female birds; on the turkey; on variation in the male scarlet tanager; on the musk-rat; on the habits of Pyranga aestiva; on local differences in the nests of the same species of birds; on the habits of woodpeckers; on Bombycilla carolinensis; on young females of Pyranga aestiva acquiring male characters; on the immature plumage of thrushes; on the immature plumage of birds; on birds breeding in immature plumage; on the growth of the crest and plume in the male Ardea ludoviciana; on the change of colour in some species of Ardea.