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"Is this discussion never to end?" asked the Marchesa, wearily lifting her hand as though in protest, and letting it fall again beside the other. "It has only just begun, mamma," answered Beatrice cheerfully. "When San Miniato jumps into the sea and drowns himself in despair, you will know that the discussion is over." "Beatrice! My child! What language!" "Italian, mamma carissima.

"Yes, papa yes, papa!" lisped the little one. "Pietro!" called his wife, "if you have done breakfast, come up. Mother is awake and would see you." "Coming, carissima!" He kissed the baby girl, placed her on the pallet, and sprung lightly up the steep stair. The loft was just a shade less wretched than the apartment below.

This was the painting of Francisco Garvez of hidalgo lineage, who had stood beside Ortega, the Pathfinder, when that honored scout of Portola had found the bay of San Francisco and the Golden Gate. "Carissima, how he would have loved you, that old man!" Benito's tone was dreamy. Alice Windham turned. "You are like him, Benito," she said fondly. "There is the same flash in your eye.

"I have heard all, I have heard all," shrieked the little man. "I know you for what you are. I am the champion of the carissima signora and the protector of the English statesman. You are a traitor and murderer " Vauvenarde lifted his hand in a threatening gesture. "Hold your tongue, you little abortion!" he shouted. But Anastasius went on screaming and flourishing his bundle of papers.

"/Carissima mia!/" cried the doctor, "I thought I had convinced you that the world is by no means come to its last legs." "Oh, I did not mean anything, Alphonso," said Mrs. Riccabocca, colouring. "And that is all we do mean when we talk about that of which we can know nothing," said the doctor, less gallantly than usual, for he resented that epithet of "old-fashioned," as applied to the watch.

"From that defend us all, ye good Vi ringrazia carissima sorella!" said Henrik. "But but charming Gabriele! a drop of port wine in the tea would make it more powerful, without turning me into one of those miserable beings of whom Louise is so afraid! Thanks, sister dear! Fermez les yeux, O Mahomet!" and with an obeisance before Louise, Henrik conveyed the cup to his lips.

Are you sure?" The dwarf nodded. "I set out from England to find him. I swore to the carissima signora that I would do so. I have done it," he added, with a faint return of his self-confidence. "Well, I'm damned!" said I, in my native tongue. I don't often use strong language; but the occasion warranted it.

Torquato Trotto cursed under his breath; but time was short, and he could not afford to waste it. He bent down and kissed the woman's hand. "Carissima! have no fear. And now let me go and see to our guest's wounds." With this he freed himself, and went back.

It was so easy to give an order at the florist's, and the bill would come in presently, after the wedding, and be paid in American dollars. There were boxes of sweets too; and a volume of Romola, bound in white and gold, lay on the table. Edna had been looking at the inscription on the fly-leaf when Olive came in. "Carissima" he had written, and she had believed him, but that was half an hour ago.

"I confess that I was alarmed at once when I heard this, for thou art in Rome, carissima. I laugh now at that alarm, and I think that Cæsar and his friends, though mad, would not dare to permit such insanity.