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How could I go to war when I see so badly that I cannot distinguish friend from foe? Laugh at me, my dear friends; laugh at such a silly old man. Oh, my feet " And, groaning painfully, he dragged himself forward. Then Manlius met him. "Have you learned anything?" he asked. "To-morrow I will force myself into Carinus's presence. And you?" "I will seek Glyceria."

"Ah! Manlius, you are talking like Seneca. You will never rise high in Carinus's favour in this way." "When was that necessary for a free Roman?" cried the knight, raising his head proudly. "I have a sword and a brave heart; if these will not lead me to fame, I want no power which can be obtained by crawling in the dust. It suits only dogs and libertines."

Amarillis fondles Carinus's dog, and is roughly upbraided by its master in the same manner as her prototype Dorinda in the Pastor fido. Amid much that is commonplace in the verse occur not a few graceful passages, while Daniel is at times rather happy in the introduction of certain sententious utterances in keeping with the conventionality of the pastoral form.

"That you may kill her ere she can speak." "Have no anxiety. Even if she could use magic arts, she would die. We will meet in Carinus's atrium to-morrow. Be provided with a good sword." Manlius went to the Pons Sacer. Before the statue of Triton sat the old woman who had given him the ring. When she saw Manlius she rose and went to meet him. "Have you the ring with you, my lord?" she asked.