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Later on, I'm going to give two or three concerts. Is anything the matter with Mr. Carey?" "Do you think so?" "Well, I hope it isn't true what people are saying." "What are they saying?" "That's he's not very judicious in one way." A footman poured champagne into her glass. Robin Pierce touched the glass. "That way?" "Yes. It would be too sad." "Let us hope it isn't true, then."

But it meant nothing of the kind; it meant pretty white dresses for the three girls, two pairs of stockings and two of gloves for the whole family, a pattern of black silk for Mrs. Carey, and numberless small things to which the Carey wardrobe had long been a stranger.

In that case I'll be first aid to the injured," Carey answered. "I'm to go with the 'Fighting Twentieth' when it starts out of these hog wallows toward the insurgents' capital. I must get back to Manila and pack for it. I have my orders to be ready in twenty-four hours."

I warned him he was on private ground, and he made me a bow, as if I, not he, were the trespasser." On this Janet darted out at the window without another word, and John exclaiming, in dismay "Mother Carey! what is the matter?" She gasped out, "Oh, Johnny! she's married to him! And the children don't know it. Send them in- Allen and Bobus I mean- make haste; I must prepare them.

It's a habit I have, and I don't quite understand you. I must think it over." "Do, Mr. Carey. And now I must toddle along. Adios." Carey shook his hand, and they parted. Our story is told. San Pasqual is still a frontier town a little drearier, a little shabbier and more down at the heel than when we saw it first.

A dainty tint of gray was considered more suitable, either to her own complexion or the age of the bridegroom. Captain Carey enjoyed the purchase with the rapture I had failed to experience.

The Millars were constantly hearing of fresh examples of hardship, and courage to meet the hardship, piquing and inciting them to enterprise and self-sacrifice on their own account. Now it would be May, who would come in from Miss Burridge's with a blanched face, crying, "Oh! you girls, do you know Ella Carey has gone and is not coming back again?

A similar disputation in Arabic and a Sanskrit declamation followed, when Carey was called on to conclude with a speech in Sanskrit. Two days after, at a second assemblage of the same kind, followed by a state dinner.

There he would lie patiently until a funeral came along, and then Satan would see him take his place at the head of the procession; and then he would march out to the cemetery and back again. Nobody knew where he came from nor where he went, and Uncle Carey called him the "funeral dog" and said he was doubtless looking for his dead master.

About eleven o'clock a halt was ordered, and the deserters, who were riding behind the troopers, having dismounted, Corporal Owens took Carey off on one side and gave him some very emphatic instructions. Then he and George also dismounted, and, leaving their horses behind, made their way cautiously toward a ridge a short distance in advance of them.