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Still, it was a beautifully clean wound, and it was not a large wound. "It's a clean wound," he observed judiciously. In spite of himself he could not keep a certain flippant harsh quality out of his tone. "Well, I've naturally washed it with carbolic," Nellie returned sharply. He illogically resented this sharpness. "Of course he was bitten through his stocking?"

We have washed him with a carbolic wash, also with a tea made from tobacco, but so far have been unable to stop it. He often bites his legs below the knees until he takes off all the hair and part of the skin. None of the other horses are, troubled, although this horse has been troubled for three years.

Shake well, and wash affected parts night and morning. FOR ERUPTIONS ON TONGUE. Cyanide of silver, 1/2 gr. Powdered iridis, 2 gr. Divide into 10 parts. To be rubbed on tongue once a day. FOR ERUPTIONS IN SYPHILIS. A 5 per cent. ointment of carbolic acid, in a good preparation. TREATMENT. Warm poultice of linseed meal, Mercurial plaster, Lead ointment.

It turned out on inquiry that a young Turkish haakim, who had watched the operation at which the limb was first set, had taken it into his head to rearrange the dressing before the plaster case in which the limb was bound had dried, and he had improved upon the process he had witnessed, pretty much as an intelligent monkey might have done, by applying a dressing of undiluted carbolic acid.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the police commissary entered the garden with his secretary and a policeman. The municipal physician, Monsieur Hibry, arrived simultaneously. Already, thanks to the industry of Madame Simonneau, who was always interested in matters of supply, the house exhaled a violent smell of carbolic and was blazing with the candles which she had lit.

The different methods of destroying the eggs of the bot-fly of the horse are clipping the hair from the part, scraping off the eggs with a sharp knife, or destroying them by washing the part infested with eggs with a two or three per cent water solution of carbolic acid. This should be practised every two weeks during the period when the female deposits the eggs.

"Keep your feet dry," John Dillon had said, "and leave the rest to God Almighty." They were taking barely two weeks' rations, and a certain amount of stuff to trade with the up-river Indians, when their supplies should be gone. They carried a kettle, an axe, some quinine, a box of the carbolic ointment all miners use for foot-soreness, O'Flynn's whisky, and two rifles and ammunition.

Two drinks of gin makes a man or woman look as though they had swallowed a buzz saw. I always thought drinking liquor made people think they were enjoying themselves, or that they took it to drive away care and make them forget their sorrows, but when these people drink gin they seem to do it the way an American drinks carbolic acid, to end the whole business quick.

Number Five study went to second lesson with not more than half a pound of camphor apiece in their clothing; and King, too wary to ask for explanations, gibbered a while and hurled them forth. So Beetle finished yet another poem at peace in the study. "They're usin' carbolic now. Malpas told me," said Stalky. "King thinks it's the drains." "She'll need a lot o' carbolic," said McTurk.

It opened on to a curtain, about which there still clung a faint suggestion of carbolic. "Eldred?" she said softly. And the voice she had last heard through the hiss of rain, and the crash of broken branches, answered: "Come in." She pushed aside the curtain, and stood so, paralysed by a nervousness altogether new to her. He lay on a Madeira lounge-chair, with pillows at his back.