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Caracalla nodded agreement, and went on more vehemently: "That is what I experienced at the words, 'You have murdered your brother! I not only heard them now and then with my inward ear, but incessantly, like the dreary hum of the flies in my camp-tent, for hours at a time, by day and by night. No fanning could drive these away.

It was with sincere enthusiasm that he expatiated on the skill with which the artist had reproduced in color the noble lines which Caracalla so much admired in the sculpture of the great Greek masters; how warm and tender the flesh was; how radiant the light of those glorious eyes; how living the waving hair, as though it still breathed of the scented oil!

None dare claim to belong to any recognized school, since the philosophers of the guild pride themselves on condemning the miracle-mongers. Now, in his youth, Caracalla went through his courses of philosophy. He detests Aristotle, and has always attached himself to Plato and the Pythagoreans.

It had been a matter of life and death with her lover, while disturbing Caracalla would only postpone his recovery a few hours at the utmost. It was she who had procured the imperial sleeper his rest, which she could certainly restore to him even if she now woke him.

But the lady Berenike had declared with scornful decision that Caracalla had deceived her brother-in-law; and when Alexander likewise tried to say a word for the sufferer, she got into a rage and accused him of foolish credulity. Melissa, who had already spoken in favor of the emperor, agreed, in spite of the matron, with her brother.

Caracalla saluted the king, gave an order to an adjutant, and on the smiling defenceless Parthians the Roman eagles pounced. Those who were not killed were made prisoners of war. The next day Caracalla withdrew, charged with booty, firing cities as he went. A little before, rumor reached him that a group of the citizens of Alexandria had referred to him as a fratricide.

At last, in high dudgeon at the inconsiderateness of young people and at the rebuff he had met with with the prospect, too, of a cold for his pains he made his way homeward on foot. To Caracalla the bad weather was for once really an advantage, for it put a stop to the unpleasant demonstrations which the "Green" party had prepared for him on his way home.

But another idea occupied him so intensely that he had not yet thought of wiping out the insult with blood. What could be delaying Melissa and her father and brother? The painter ought to have joined the other Macedonian youths on the race-course, and Caracalla was engaged in looking out for him, stretching forward every time he caught sight of some curly head that rose above the others.

They were standing at the door of a large house; and close to the wall, in the shadow of the porch of a building opposite, stood a youth, his hair covered by the hood of a long caracalla, listening with breathless attention. This was Alexander.

And yet there was in him something which attracted her; nay, and it nettled her that he should forget her presence. At last Alexander humbly asked Caracalla whether he might not tell Melissa to what he had pledged his word. "That shall be my business," replied Caesar. "You think that a mere girl is a better witness than none at all. Perhaps you are right.