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Marcella watched her widow's cap and black dress as they passed along the pergola of the hotel garden, between bright masses of geraniums and roses on either side. They had been sitting in the famous garden of the Cappucini Hotel at Amalfi.

I was tired out, and we fled south for rest to Rome, Naples, Amalfi, and Ravello. The Cappucini Hotel at Amalfi, Madame Palumbo's inn at Ravello, remain with me as places of pure delight, shone on even in winter by a more than earthly sun. Madame Palumbo was, as her many guests remember, an Englishwoman, and showed a special zeal in making English folk comfortable.

So many reproductions of this sad face have been made that it is very familiar to us, and almost seems to have been the face of some one whom we have known. Guido did not paint his St. Michael for the Cappucini in Rome until after he returned to his native city.

Having been duly astonished, here, by the sight of a few Cappucini monks, who were watching the fair-weighing of some wood upon the wharf, we drove off to Albaro, two miles distant, where we had engaged a house. The way lay through the main streets, but not through the Strada Nuova, or the Strada Balbi, which are the famous streets of palaces. I never in my life was so dismayed!

The interval between the two ceremonies was to be spent in dancing and, if I liked, Peppino would take me to see it. So in the evening we went to a house at the other end of the town, "far away beyond the Cappucini," as Peppino said. We entered by a back door which led directly into a small bedroom containing the music: one clarionet, a quartet of Saxhorns, and one trombone.

Off behind, is that terrible church of the Cappucini, with its cemetery underneath of bones and skulls and such horrors. I like the apartments very much, principally because I have made three staunch friends and one good enemy, in the kitchen. The padrona, she's the woman who keeps the house, and serves us, too, in this case though Mrs.