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"You are most welcome, Senor Capitan," answered Jack cordially; "and I shall be very pleased to render you all the assistance in my power the more so since I am very anxious to see as much as possible of your beautiful island, and may perhaps remain here for some time. Indeed, I may say that one reason for my visit to Cuba is that I have had some idea of investing in a tobacco plantation here."

"Those two earrings!" exclaimed Sinang, looking at her father and instinctively covering the arm next to her mother. "Something more ancient yet, something Roman," said Capitan Basilio with a wink.

'Tisn't a mailed letter." "It was give to me on the trail, Capitan," said Victorino, softly. "As I came back from the horse pasture." "Who gave it to you?" demanded the ranchman, beginning to slit the flap of the envelope. "I am not informed," said Victorino, still with lowered gaze. "The Señor who presented it declare' it was give to heem by a strange hand at Jackleg.

Just beyond this glorious flood the El Capitan Rock, regarded by many as the most sublime feature of the Valley, is seen through the pine groves, standing forward beyond the general line of the wall in most imposing grandeur, a type of permanence.

In Binondo, in Pampanga, and in the town of San Diego, when he was about to put up a fighting-cock with large wagers, he would send gold moneys to the curate for propitiatory masses and, just as the Romans consulted the augurs before a battle, giving food to the sacred fowls, so Capitan Tiago would also consult his augurs, with the modifications befitting the times and the new truths, tie would watch closely the flame of the tapers, the smoke from the incense, the voice of the priest, and from it all attempt to forecast his luck.

«Une autre particularité remarquable de ce pays, c'est le défaut de poisson dans toutes les rivières qui l'arrosent: on en trouve cependant dans celle de Bogota les autres rivières viennent se rendre; mais c'est une seule espèce très-peu abondante, que les Espagnols appellent el Capitan, ou le capitaine; la plus grande longueur de ce poisson est d'environ un pied, sur six pouces de grosseur; il vit dans les eaux troubles et vaseuses de cette rivière, et jamais dans les eaux claires; il est gras et excellent

Soon afterward a boat came to shore, and the boulouk bashi, Mohammed Ali, demanded, in the name of the capitan pacha, to be conducted to the presence of the English general. With an air of profound deference and humility, he delivered the message of the capitan pacha, and expressed his own regret of the fearful event that had occurred. "It was a misunderstanding.

Juli was willing to sell all her jewels, except a locket set with diamonds and emeralds which Basilio had given her, for this locket had a history: a nun, the daughter of Capitan Tiago, had given it to a leper, who, in return for professional treatment, had made a present of it to Basilio. So she could not sell it without first consulting him.

Is it perhaps the different likenesses of Our Lady hanging on the walls that force them to silence and a religious demeanor or is it that the women here are an exception? A cousin of Capitan Tiago, a sweet-faced old woman, who speaks Spanish quite badly, is the only one receiving the ladies.

"Buenos dias, cavalleros!" responded the padre. "Glad to see you, good father!" said Roblado. "You have saved me a ride. I was just in the act of starting for the mission to wait upon your reverence." "And if you had come, capitan, I could have given you a luxury to lunch upon. We have received our buffalo-tongues."