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But, poor creatures! white men had never visited their shores but to carry away their children and friends to sell them for slaves in different parts of the world; and, of course, they were very suspicious; so much so, that when the missionaries first endeavored to establish schools in Madagascar, the parents refused to allow their children to attend, alleging that the white men wanted them for no other purpose than to eat them; for they attributed all their sorrows to the cannibalism of the white people, believing that the slaves they captured were caught, as wild animals would be, only for food.

After meat and blood, sugary fruit-pulp; sometimes even, for lack of anything better, a little green stuff. Nevertheless, cannibalism is prevalent.

I have heard the bishop blamed for his indulgence to the natives, and above all because he did not rage with sufficient energy against cannibalism. It was a part of his policy to live among the natives like an elder brother; to follow where he could; to lead where it was necessary; never to drive; and to encourage the growth of new habits, instead of violently rooting up the old.

Most islets of the South Seas have much the same experience. The people, taken on their best side, show themselves gentle and intelligent, and their chiefs are dignified gentlemen; but there is a horrible background of ferocity and barbarism often cannibalism.

Expedition against the Doboduras We hear reports about a Web-footed Tribe Landing at the Mouth of the Musa River A Good Bag Barigi River Reached A Flight of Torres Straits Pigeons A Tropical Night Scene Brilliant Rues of Tropical Fish Arrival of Supplies Prospects of a Stiff Fight Landing of the Force Pigs Shot to Prevent them from being Cooked Alive Novelty of Firearms A Red Sunrise Beauty of the Forest Enemies' War Cry First Heard Rushing a Village Revolting Relics of Cannibal Feast Doboduras eat their Enemies Alive Method of Extracting the Brains Extensive Looting Firing at the Enemies' Scouts An Exciting Chase When in Doubt Turn to the Right Another Village Rushed Skirmishes with the Enemy Relics of Cannibalism general in the Villages Camp Formed at the Largest Village Capture of Prisoners An "Object, Lesson" Carriers ask Leave to Eat one of the Slain Arigita's Opinion Cannibal Surroundings at our Supper Expectation of a Night Attack.

In fact, as we subsequently learned from other witnesses, there were almost unmistakable evidences of their being compelled to resort to cannibalism, until at last they absolutely starved to death at this point at least all but one, whose remains were found, during the summer after our visit here, about five miles further inland.

Cannibalism is not common, though there is reason to believe, that it is occasionally practised by some tribes, but under what circumstances it is difficult to say. Native sorcerers are said to acquire their magic influence by eating human flesh, but this is only done once in a life-time. Protector Sievewright, from Lake Tarong, in one of the Port Phillip districts.

Deighton, he had agreed to put down the last remnants of cannibalism which had lingered among the coast tribes on the island down to the time of this story. And although the older men, and some of the priests of the heathen faith, had struggled against his drastic legislation, they finally gave in when Mr.

Dickinson and Scherer have been talking it down. How about it, Tom?" But Tom, in these debates, was inclined to be noncommittal, although it was clear they troubled him. "Oh, don't ask me, Hughie," he said. "I suppose I ought to cultivate the scientific point of view, and look with impartial interest at this industrial cannibalism," returned Perry, sarcastically.

Certain points of Christian morality were also strongly urged by the missionaries, who insisted that the convert should take but one wife, and not cast her off without grave cause, and that he should renounce the gross license almost universal among the Hurons. Murder, cannibalism, and several other offences, were also forbidden.