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With sufficient string to lay down and candles to light him, a stranger might enter these depths alone and come to no harm; but if he despised the string and trusted to his memory he would soon have reason to wish that he had remained on the surface of the earth, where, if he lost himself, there would be fellow-creatures to help him.

Yes, the Fire-woman was indeed an inferior creature, existing mainly to boil the Ghetto's tea-kettles and snuff its candles, and was well rewarded by the copper coin which she gathered from every hearth as soon as one might touch money.

Now too the busy feet have broken the solid coating of the floor, and a cloud of fine dust arises, that makes a yellow halo round the candles, and sets asthmatic people coughing, and grows denser, till to recognise any one on the opposite side of the room becomes impossible, and a partner's face is seen through a yellow mist.

Have not we to say, 'We have not wrought any deliverance in the earth, neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen'? 'Salt of the earth, and we can hardly keep our own souls from going putrid with the corruption that is round about us. 'Light of the world, and our poor candles burnt low down into the socket, and sending up rather stench and smoke than anything like a clear flame.

She was sitting there before him the mother of his children, of the sleeping ones, of the buried ones the butterfly broken on the wheel of years: lustreless and useless now in its summer. She sat there with the whiteness of death. The Christmas candles looked at her flickeringly; the little white candles of purity, the little red candles of love.

Altogether the things that umbrella has done are wonderful, especially the fact that it has brought luck and riches to the priest of Glogova." A dark suspicion took possession of Gyuri, and when the candles were relighted, it was to be seen he was as pale as death. "Is the priest rich?" he asked. "Very rich," answered Mrs. Szliminszky.

John might be deep in the excitement of a bear story, or be hard at writing a "composition" on his greasy slate; but whatever he was doing, he was the only one who could always be interrupted. It was he who must snuff the candles, and put on a stick of wood, and toast the cheese, and turn the apples, and crack the nuts.

Nevertheless he had to go back to it that afternoon, and to labour strenuously until four o'clock, when at last the autocratic Binet announced himself satisfied with the preparations, and proceeded, again with the help of Andre-Louis, to prepare the lights, which were supplied partly by tallow candles and partly by lamps burning fish-oil.

More and more candles did she light with a trembling hand, trusting devoutly that no one would come in and discover her with such an extravagant illumination. Then she tried each of the two long glasses of the room in turn. Her courage mounted. It was pretty. The terra-cotta shade was exquisite, and no one could tell that the satin was cotton-backed.

The seats were taken, the dinner began, and had not proceeded far before Glyn noticed that the waiter was staring very hard at his bruised face, getting so fierce a look in return that the man nearly dropped the plate he was handing, and refrained from looking at him again. "Better bring candles, waiter," said the Colonel.