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In fact, almost everything we use could only have been made with difficulty and in small quantities; and even if we could have made them it would have been impossible to have sent them so quickly all over the world without coal, for we could have had no railways or steamships, but must have carried all goods along canals, and by slow sailing vessels.

The Dutch, both in Java and in Demerara, had yielded to this misplaced affection for a sea-level site, and had constructed Batavia and Georgetown strictly according to their racial ideals, with a prodigal abundance of canals.

The ideal way to see the Netherlands and study the life of the people is to travel on the canals; but these are not so numerous here as in other parts of the country, and, besides, it is not very easy to arrange for a passage on the barges.

The dilated part of the semicircular canals of the internal ear. The process by means of which simpler elements are built up into more complex. Those medicinal agents which prevent the feeling of pain, such as chloroform, ether, laughing-gas, etc. The intercommunication of vessels. The science which describes the structure of living things. The word literally means dissection.

The sediment from the Nile, which settles in the canals and ditches, is cleaned out at frequent intervals and spread over the fields, providing a new dressing of rich alluvial soil to annually stimulate the productive capacity of the soil.

The immediate approach to the vessel was still more strange; she was not, as one would have expected, completely incrusted in a bed of ice, but she was suspended, as it were, in a labyrinth of lakes, islands, and canals, between which they had been obliged to throw bridges formed of planks. "The explanation is very simple," said the young astronomer, in reply to a question from Erik.

Over some of the canals bridges were built as fantastic in design as those of the Japanese, and again others as monumental as the Pont Neuf. In their majestic regularity the French gardens of the seventeenth century possessed an admirable solemnity, albeit their amplitude and majesty give rise to justifiable criticism.

Both domestic and foreign capitalists invested large sums in the canals, the railroads and other American commercial and industrial enterprises. The rapid economic expansion of recent years has involved the outlay of huge sums of new capital. The total capital invested in manufactures was 8,975 millions in 1899 and 22,791 millions in 1914.

It was he who, following in the footsteps of Brindley and Smeaton, constructed the Ellesmere and Caledonian Canals; he far eclipsed the fame of General Wade by opening out roads and bridges in the highlands, and first adopted sound principles of road-making both in England and Wales, afterwards to be applied with marvellous success by Macadam.

At this time, but for a device which the Martians have employed, the canals connected with the oceans would run dry, and the vegetation, left without moisture under the Summer sun, would quickly perish." These gates are all controlled by machinery collected at a single point on the shore of the strait.