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The mention of the West Indies brought, like a flash, to my mind Sandoval and Senorita de Leon. "Then, too," continued Kennedy, "there is a plant out in our own Western country, of which you may have heard, known as the death camas, very fatal to cattle when they eat it. The active principle in this is also veratrine." I began to see what Kennedy was driving at.

He stepped out of the yellow glare from a window and stood in more friendly shade. Behind him, on the door-step, stood the other two, blinking as he had done. A form which he did not recognize rushed up out of the darkness and confronted the three belligerently. "You're a-disturbin' the peace," he yelled. "We don't stand for nothing like that in Camas. You're my prisoners all uh yuh."

When we reached the village the tepees made of grass were all standing, the fires burning and pots boiling the pots filled with camas and tula roots but not an Indian was to be seen. Williamson directed that nothing in the village should be disturbed; so guards were placed over it to carry out his instructions and we went into camp just a little beyond.

When we reached the village the tepees made of grass were all standing, the fires burning and pots boiling the pots filled with camas and tula roots but not an Indian was to be seen. Williamson directed that nothing in the village should be disturbed; so guards were placed over it to carry out his instructions and we went into camp just a little beyond.

The Swedes were present, sitting together in the corner by the water bucket, and the Conleys, who lived over by Camas Creek beyond the AJ, had come. The Conleys had sheep, and were not firmly settled in the Black Rim, sheepmen being looked at askance. There were families from nearer Jumpoff, one really did wonder where they all came from, when the country seemed so wide and unpeopled.

The Admiral answered by this definition: "It is a small matter." M. Vézin added, "He wishes History to call him 'Sire." "Poor Sire, then," said M. de Camas de la Guibourgère. M. Odilon Barrot exclaimed, "What a fatality, that we should have been condemned to employ this man!" This said, these heights attained, political philosophy was exhausted, and they ceased talking.

Of these two vegetables the American Indians make constant use. The first was a shrub of the kind called "camas," which thrives even in lands unfit for culture. With these onion-like roots, should it not be found preferable to treat them as potatoes, there is made a sort of flour very rich and glutinous. But either way, they have to be subjected to a certain cooking, or drying.

In this night attack at Camas Meadow, they were demoralized, and while crossing the river next day many lost their guns in the water, whereupon all packed up and went home, leaving the army to be guided by the Indian scouts.

The professor greedily regaled himself, and his pupil had to caution him to be moderate. "Ah!" he said. "We have got some roots to-day. Who knows whether we shall have any to-morrow?" "Without any doubt," replied Godfrey, "to-morrow and the day after, and always. There is only the trouble of going and fetching them." "Well, Godfrey, and the camas?"

By this, the ebony ladies had cleared the table of the crystal, and had capped it with a yellow leather mattrass, with pillows of the same, both embossed with large tufts of red silk; on this they placed one sheet, and leaving a silver apparatus at the head, they disappeared "Buenos noches, senores las camas estan listas."