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"If so, Señors, you may well ask why you see me thus dressed in calzoncillos. For two reasons: first, I am not a legitimate son, no, Señors, my lady mother, who bore me was an Otomi indian, but I am the acknowledged illegitimate son of my honored Señor Padre.

It was purely a Mexican costume, and consisted of a purple manga, with dark velvet embroidery around the vent and along the borders. As this garment covered the greater part of his person, I could only see that underneath was a pair of green velveteen calzoneros, with yellow buttons, and snow-white calzoncillos puffing out along the seams.

A rich man has many rows of fringe and frills of lace at the bottom of his calzoncillos, and wears a short coat, with silver buttons, and a gorgeous silver belt, covered with dollars. He will sometimes give as much as from 10l. to 20l. for a pair of stirrups alone, and the rest of his dress and equipment is proportionately expensive.

BARATILLO, a Rag-fair, market of odds and ends; see p. 169. BARBACOA, whence English "barbecue;" see p. 95; a native Haitian word. BARRANCCA, a ravine. CALZONCILLOS, drawers. CAPA, a cloak. CAYO, a coral-reef. CHAPARREROS, over-trousers of goatskin with the hair on, used in riding. CHINGUERITO, Indian-corn brandy. COMPADRE. COMADRE; French, compère, commère; see p. 250.

These seams are open, for the evening is warm, and underneath appear the calzoncillos of white muslin, hanging in white folds around the ankles. The boot is of calf-skin, tanned, but not blackened. It is reddish, rounded at the toe, and carries a spur at least a pound in weight, with a rowel three inches in diameter!

The gaucho dress is peculiar, a poncho, which is placed over the head by a hole in the centre, and which falls over the body to the hips. This is often of a very gay pattern, especially on Sundays and holidays. The lower garment is a curious combination of bedgown and Turkish trousers, named calzonçillos; it is bordered by a fringe, sometimes of rich lace, from two to six inches in depth.

No, Eduardo, no; yo le quiero a usted, más que a mi vida, pero sólo por usted, créame usted, por usted solo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Matilde mía! BRUNO. ¡Vaya que estaba su papá de usted como un tronco de dormido! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y qué ha respondido? BRUNO. Ni oste ni moste: oyó mi relación, se sonrió y echó mano a los calzoncillos. DON EDUARDO. ¿Se sonrió? BRUNO. ¡Pues! como quien dice "ya lo que es".