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The cow would probably do better if she could become entirely dry before calving, but unless you can easily dry her up it would be dangerous to try to force her to do so. Butter-fat in Sweet and Sour Cream. The creamery wagon takes our cream every other day. Without ice it is almost impossible to keep the cream sweet during the hot weather.

Castor oil applied to the wart daily by rubbing may be used for the removal of flat warts. "MILK-FEVER" OR POST-PARTUM PARALYSIS. This is a disease peculiar to cows, especially heavy milkers that are in good condition. It most commonly occurs after the third, fourth and fifth calving.

It is customary to give the cow, as soon as convenient after calving, some warm and stimulating drink a little meal stirred into warm water, with a part of the first milk which comes from her, seasoned with a little salt.

"There is no calving in the case," said one of the women, "but a poor fatherless wean dying; so come awa' wi' you, for our trust is constant in you, as Bruce said to Donald of the Isles." "Opiferque per orbem dicor," said Henbane Dwining. "What is the child dying of?" "The croup the croup," screamed one of the gossips; "the innocent is rouping like a corbie."

Those in which the cows were placed at calving time were mere dark holes. The floor of the yard was often soft, so that the hoofs of the cattle trod deep into it a perfect slough in wet weather.

There are certain seasons when abortion is strangely frequent, and fatal; while at other times it disappears in a manner for several successive years. The consequences of premature calving are frequently of a very serious nature; and even when the case is more favorable, the results are, nevertheless, very annoying.

And here he fixed his headquarters, stretched a blanket across the hut for a roof, and slept his own master. AT the end of six months George Fielding's stock had varied thus. Four hundred lambs, ten calves, fifteen cows, four hundred sheep. He had lost some sheep in lambing, and one cow in calving, but these casualties every feeder counts on; he had been lucky on the whole.

On her arrival she is examined and applauded by friends and neighbours. The inspection may cost the owner gallons of whisky; but she is to prove a mine of wealth. Great hopes are entertained of her progeny. The calf is expected to be first-class. After days of care and nights of dreams and anxious watchings, with unnecessary aid in calving, the calf at last sees the light of day.

During three months previously to calving, if in the spring, they should be turned into sweet grass; or if it happen in the winter, they ought to be well fed with the best hay. The day and night after they have calved, they should be kept in the house, and lukewarm water only allowed for their drink.